Absolute worst pain I have ever felt was either getting my tooth taken out in a trailer in Mexico with literal pliers and no anesthesia by a dentist that didn't speak my language... OR it was when I completely severed one and a half tendons on my right wrist and had to get the cast taken off. I...
I started off on Neopets, moved into Proboards. I completely forgot about Gaia Online! Thank you to the member above for bringing the nostalgia back, going to see if that's still viable.
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T-20 to Landing
Name: AstraNova
Experience Level: 12 years
Looking For: Long-term & literate to adv.
Location: North America, EST
Pairing: Female x Female only
Age: 26
Welcome to my side of the galaxy. Where imagination gets you further than anything else. Because without it...
Greetings, everybody. I am AstraNova and super stoked to be a part of the community. I have twelve years of role-playing experience and it has always held a dear position in my heart. As a professional writer, it has been difficult to get in the groove of my craft sometimes and I am hoping this...