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  • Users: Fayth
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  1. Fayth

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Claude Janvier: Check Out Any Time You Like

    Barely visible, head peeking out from the side of the desk, is a person. Head turned away from Claude, all he can tell is that the person in question has long dark hair.
  2. Fayth

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Dante Rosas: Nine-Tenths of the Law

    "Right then. On three, I'll run up and kick 'im, and you get 'em when he's down. One, two, three!" The Brit charges in to the hallway, immediately targeting the man crouched in the middle of the hallway. He jumps and snaps a kick upward, catching the man in the jaw. The bloody man's head snaps...
  3. Fayth

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Alex Cadena Hall: On The Wire

    Amala started the car, unlocking the passenger side door. As Alex climbed in, Amala gestured to the expansive mass of technology on the passenger's side. it was so large as to be almost a desk, with enough knobs, buttons, and readouts to make any non-officer a little dizzy. "Ignore the rest...
  4. Fayth

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Claude Janvier: Check Out Any Time You Like

    An empty, quiet hallway greeted him. The lobby was constructed in such a way that the elevator was hidden in the back of the ground floor. At the end of the hallway was a large desk behind which a secretary sat during the daytime, screening visitors to make sure no one unsavory got into the...
  5. Fayth

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Dante Rosas: Nine-Tenths of the Law

    "If we work together, hit hard and fast, and catch him with his trousers down," the Brit sighs, "then probably. We're right between a rock and a bloody hard place, we are." With a shake of his head, the man braces himself against the door, ready to throw it open. "Right. No use moaning about...
  6. Fayth

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Alex Cadena Hall: On The Wire

    "That sounds good," Davina agreed. "It could help to check back and see what's happening there," Stanford said, and Amala nodded. "Alright, back to the station it is." Amala raised a hand to his chest, speaking into the radio attached there, "this thing on?" His voice echoed from Stanford's...
  7. Fayth

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Claude Janvier: Check Out Any Time You Like

    The elevator, surprisingly enough, was already on the basement level. Perhaps the woman had stumbled into the call button, or perhaps no one else had yet used it because of the hour. Either way, the elevator immediate opened in front of Claude, revealing a brightly-lit, empty chamber.
  8. Fayth

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Claude Janvier: Check Out Any Time You Like

    Obligingly, the woman followed him, her hacking cough becoming deeper and wetter. It was a phlegmy, deep-lung cough, the kind that can only come from very ill lifetime-smokers.
  9. Fayth

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Apocalypse Roulette OOC

    I'm sure someone will try to find out. If not a PC, then some NPC somewhere will.
  10. Fayth

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Alex Cadena Hall: On The Wire

    When the second officer returned, it was with a grim expression. "All the military and law enforcement channels I can find are straight static, except for one coming out of Midway. Says they're Russian Armed Forces, requested help. The civilian ones are still going - all the automated stations...
  11. Fayth

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Claude Janvier: Check Out Any Time You Like

    The woman coughed some more, trailing after Claude. Her body rippled from the abdomen up, almost as if she were going to vomit, with every cough. A few drops of blood fell from the side of her face, speckling the previously-clean tile with dark red. Her eyes stayed fixed on him, unblinking, and...
  12. Fayth

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Alex Cadena Hall: On The Wire

    Amala looks at Alex thoughtfully, then shrugs. "I don't know if we'll be seeing more, but you can carry my baton until we're relieved." He takes the baton from his belt, and hands it to Alex. Turning to his partner, Amala says, "can you get on the horn and find out what's going on out...
  13. Fayth

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Alex Cadena Hall: On The Wire

    Davina shudders, a full-body affair, but doesn't look away. Amala takes a deep breath and holsters his weapon, his partner doing the same. "I'd like to send you both home, but I don't have a clue how widespread this problem is. I don't know if what's going on at the hospital is the same thing...
  14. Fayth

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Anna Sergeyevna Romanov: Crash Landing

    Bethany steps forward reluctantly, swallowing hard. She looks to Anna, then nods, taking a deep breath. "I was flying out of Midway for a business conference in Los Angeles," her voice breaks, then settles into the deep, smooth cadence Anna heard earlier when she was praying. "My associate...
  15. Fayth

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Claude Janvier: Check Out Any Time You Like

    At his words, the woman freezes. She stares at the elevator for another second more, then turns her head slowly to look at him. The other side of her face is a wreck. The side he saw when first coming around the corner was whole if a little pale, but the other side is a bloody, broken mess, an...
  16. Fayth

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Alex Cadena Hall: On The Wire

    "Shit, I hope not," Davina mutters back, strapping the shoulder holster on. Why she kept a handgun with a shoulder holster in the glovebox of her truck is anyone's guess. Morgan starts to rise, his movements a jerky, staccato series of twitches that take him from the bottom of the truck's bed...
  17. Fayth

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Dante Rosas: Nine-Tenths of the Law

    "What, on the ground floor?" The Brit asks, pulling his hand back from the staircase door. "Then how the shit-" He takes a deep breath. "Alright, where was it?"
  18. Fayth

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Apocalypse Roulette OOC

    The world may never know.
  19. Fayth

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Anna Sergeyevna Romanov: Crash Landing

    Ivan leads them the very short distance back to where the Russian team gathers. When they arrive with an unknown civilian in tow, the heads of all four soldiers and the officer turn toward them. Kasyanov's hand twitches in the general direction of his firearm, and the four enlisted men shift...
  20. Fayth

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Claude Janvier: Check Out Any Time You Like

    Throwing boots isn't a well-honed skill of Claude's, but he manages to throw it just past her. The boot hits the wall with a very audible impact in the quiet of the basement. The woman's head snaps in that direction, and her entire body tenses up. A few seconds later, her attention returns to...