Search results for query: *

  1. Scandinavian

    [The City that Never Wakes] Wherein Old Friends Prove Useful

    "Razor? You can do way better than this. First order of business is to figure out what the fuckers shoved up my spine and how to make it go away. But the second is to find us a place that isn't a dump."
  2. Scandinavian

    [The City that Never Wakes] Wageslave

    Ash gives Virginia a fierce hug, and when she speaks again her voice is mostly back to its old, chipper self. "Someone is going to come along shortly to escort me down to outbound decon, but... I'd like to see you for dinner sometime when I've settled into a nice place and re-stocked my liquor...
  3. Scandinavian

    [The City that Never Wakes] Wageslave

    Ash nods, but it's clear that her body is running on something resembling autopilot for a few moments as she takes the chip and slots it into her comm, watching dumbly as it settles her debts for her. "I guess this is where my line would normally be something along the lines of 'this is too...
  4. Scandinavian

    [The City that Never Wakes] Wageslave

    Ash shakes her head. "I haven't considered that hypothetical," she says, her voice infused with a certain brittle quality that her voice modulator defaults to when it doesn't get intelligible input. She sighs. "I guess the fact that I even need to consider my answer is itself an answer, of...
  5. Scandinavian

    [The City that Never Wakes] Wageslave

    Ash's face falls and her shoulders slump, as she looks at the angry, departing orc. Absently, she grabs the end of the cable Mark left hanging and jacks it into the comm she used to record the meeting, synchronizing it with a software facsimile of her spinal comm hardwiped back to factory...
  6. Scandinavian

    [The City that Never Wakes] Wageslave

    Ash shakes her head. > I love you, Mark, and I really do appreciate how supportive everyone has been. But I have already considered everything you just said, and I am confident that if worst comes to worst I have enough money in the bank that I can scare up the balance from people who will...
  7. Scandinavian

    [The City that Never Wakes] Wageslave

    > I'm telling MHR that while I appreciate their advice I choose to decline it, without prejudice to my willingness to work with them going forward. > More prosaically and to the point, I'm telling MHR that when I have already turned down the same cookie-cutter, boilerplate drek not once, not...
  8. Scandinavian

    [The City that Never Wakes] Wageslave

    Ash extends one end of a fiber cable. "Only if you don't count whoever the rootkits phone home to."
  9. Scandinavian

    [The City that Never Wakes] Wageslave

    Ash shrugs. "I infer from the use of a Faraday cage that actually works that the details are confidential." She gives Mark a brief hug, more to affirm her presence than to draw strength from his. "But very briefly, there was no discussion of actual performance, beyond the fact that you're all...
  10. Scandinavian

    [The City that Never Wakes] Wageslave

    Ash bows politely to her superior and waits for her to depart the room before she touches the 'wipe' button on the e-paper, shrugs and walks out of the room, the look of casual boredom on her face only partially an affectation. As she leaves the room, tattoos trace intricate light-and-dark blue...
  11. Scandinavian

    [The City that Never Wakes] Wageslave

    Ash stands, bows politely and smiles when Cahya enters, but as the other woman speaks her face stiffens into something that can only in the most technical sense be mistaken for a smile. "I am happy to see that we have started moving toward a mutually agreeable outcome, though I'm afraid that...
  12. Scandinavian

    [The City that Never Wakes] Wageslave

    Ash leans back in her chair and scratches the surgical scars on the back of her head. "Right now I'm honestly wondering why your boss is wasting your time with this conversation, instead of having me talk to an agentsoft. You obviously don't have the clearance to read my file, you're singing...
  13. Scandinavian

    [The City that Never Wakes] Wageslave

    Ash looks up at Ray when she reaches this line. "I believe that there is a mistake here," she flips the paper over and points to the offending line. "We just spent eight minutes haggling over the financial and physiological feasibility of a relatively minor wire upgrade, and here I see a demand...
  14. Scandinavian

    [The City that Never Wakes] Wageslave

    Ash nods, then rises and extends her hand. "Well then, Ray. If you have no further items on your agenda, then I think this is where I tell you that it has been a pleasure to do business with you." She adds a bow which would have made any true Renraku employee cringe - while Ash is well aware of...
  15. Scandinavian

    [The City that Never Wakes] Wageslave

    Ash shakes her head. "Yeah, let's not go make more work for your boss' boss' boss on a very theoretical contingency." She sits back up straight, her hands rejoining the conversation in her usual animated style. "Now, as I said, this is going to be a pretty close shave, assensing-wise, so I'll...
  16. Scandinavian

    [The City that Never Wakes] Wageslave

    "A policy both wise and commendable. Are you authorized to tell me how high up on the totem pole I would need to go in order to find someone who is authorized to make the offer I just outlined?"
  17. Scandinavian

    [The City that Never Wakes] Wageslave

    "But you are not authorized to make that offer?"
  18. Scandinavian

    [The City that Never Wakes] Wageslave

    "I take the view that the higher-ups deciding to screw you over is always a risk, no matter which company one works for. I trust the Company, but that is not the same thing as trusting every single person above me in my chain of command." Ash leans back in her chair. "I'm not trying to get you...
  19. Scandinavian

    [The City that Never Wakes] Wageslave

    Ash pinches the bridge of her nose with two fingers. "Okay, that's good. I'm still a little bit apprehensive about saying goodbye to fifty - now forty - grand over what seems like a fairly trivial upgrade. I realize that you can't provide the chrome at cost, of course, but keeping around half...
  20. Scandinavian

    [The City that Never Wakes] Wageslave

    The only sign Ash gives of a more than casual interest is that she leans forward slightly. "I'm listening."