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  1. Ramaloke

    Old Resource Index

    It has been some time since I showed these around but now that I've changed them up a bit I thought perhaps it was appropriate to see what people think. Lunars Infernals Sidereals
  2. Ramaloke

    Old Resource Index

    Try that link, googledocs can be strange about the correct way to link things. -edit- I've signed out of my google account and followed the link successfully.
  3. Ramaloke

    Old Resource Index

    So I've been trying to work out a google document character sheet for Exalted (and Its probably missing some things) but I wanted to share it with you all here and maybe get some suggestions on how to make it more functional? So without further adue here it is...
  4. Ramaloke


    Hello everybody. New guy here, look forward to gaming with you all. A bit about myself: I've been playing RPGs since I was a little kid, it all started with my dad who introduced my to D&D 2nd Edition and I've been doing PbP since I was 12 (we were free-form RPing Dragon Ball Z games much to...