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  1. M

    Dreams of Doors and Roads [Gardens of Oneiromancy]

    Gareth Hughes Putting his phone down, Gareth began to ponder who he could ask to pledge. Absentmindedly he opened the door and swept the snowflakes outside. He knew they were ephemeral, and wouldn't actually melt and make the floor wet, but it still didn't seem right to leave them to disappear...
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    OOC [Gardens of Oneiromancy]

    Gareth's best hope for a pledge is probably Lisa, the girl he was studying with, who I intentionally left as a blank canvas in every respect. He's going to go back this evening, and say something about forgetting his pen, etc, and hope he can talk her into some kind of Dream-watching...
  3. M

    Dreams of Doors and Roads [Gardens of Oneiromancy]

    Gareth Hughes "Hello Al," he began, perching on the arm of his chair, one hand holding his phone in the air, the other rubbing his rough chin. "I'm well. Had a late night, I was giving a tutoring session last night. Business is good - I'm starting to think the orange paper was a mistake, I...
  4. M

    Dreams of Doors and Roads [Gardens of Oneiromancy]

    Gareth Hughes Gareth jumps up out of his seat and rummages around in his bag, digging down to the bottom in search of his phone. It rings a few times, and at last he finds it. He puts it to his ear. "Hello? Sorry, I couldn't find my phone. Hello?"
  5. M

    OOC [Gardens of Oneiromancy]

    X_X sorry to also drop off the radar, I went away unexpectedly on sunday morning and didn't get back till the early am on wednesday. Haven't been sure how to continue Gareth and Nalani's talk, now that Jason Black isn't going to be in the game! I've got some ideas, so I'll be back a little...
  6. M

    Dreams of Doors and Roads [Gardens of Oneiromancy]

    Gareth Hughes "Oh, Max will be there until the place falls into the sea, I imagine. He's very settled in his ways. I get the occasional letter from him, now and again. He keeps me updated on the phantom in his parlour. Or perhaps it's the phantom's parlour, and he's the guest," Gareth...
  7. M

    Dreams of Doors and Roads [Gardens of Oneiromancy]

    Gareth Hughes "Oh, Aisling. She's well, I hope? And her associate too." If associate were the right word for 'someone who rides on your shoulder and brazenly pinches the sugar'. Others might admire Eucalyptus'forthright behaviour, but at the table?! Aunt Kitty wouldn't have stood for it, let's...
  8. M

    OOC [Gardens of Oneiromancy]

    Ahhhh, very nice :) I'm an English and Film Studies student who's been on hiatus for... well, some time. So my studies have been a little bit freeform lately :P I'd be fine with sharing a Hollow, and as for being in a Motley, well we're all part of the Family, and because of Changeling...
  9. M

    Dreams of Doors and Roads [Gardens of Oneiromancy]

    (ooc - I had the first part of this post all typed up as its own entry, until my wireless network disconnected and the post got lost down the proverbial back of the sofa of the internet X_X hopefully I've recaptured the gist of it at least) Gareth Hughes There was a rhythmn to Gareth's life...
  10. M

    OOC [Gardens of Oneiromancy]

    Yay for noticing ^_^ I worried it was a little bit pretentious to put in my signature, but back when I was in university I had the quote pinned to my door, so I think the pretentiousness line was crossed some time ago!! Thank you =) I've been really looking forward to playing here, and was...
  11. M

    OOC [Gardens of Oneiromancy]

    Hi everyone! Just spotted this topic, and feel a little bit dim for not noticing it before. Many many apologies for not getting my ass in gear right away and posting, but I've not forum roleplayed for a while and had a little bit of trouble getting over the first hump/getting confident...
  12. M

    Dreams of Doors and Roads [Gardens of Oneiromancy]

    Gareth Hughes Daylight had crept in through the dormroom window slowly, flowing over the sleeping form hunched over textbooks lying open on the floor and finally coming to brush the fingertips of the man dozing against the far wall. He inhaled sharply and curled his hand away from the light...
  13. M

    Gareth Hughes [Gardens of Oneiromancy]

    Here's the background I wrote up for Gareth. It's still quite long and needs a little pruning, but unfortunately I'm laid low with hayfever (I maintain I am in fact a Darkling reacting to the summer sun!) and can't do it tonight. Either way, I give you: A young man found himself lost among the...
  14. M

    Gareth Hughes [Gardens of Oneiromancy]

    Gareth Hughes Seeming: Darkling Kith: Antiquarian Court: Spring Virtue: Charity (Gareth tries to help other people when there’s something he can do to spread a little bit of light in the world) Vice: Sloth (But it’s all too easy for him to batten down the hatches and hope the storm...