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  1. Aurellian

    First Age ahoy! [interest]

    While I doubt it, are there any new exalted spots available? I'm somewhat new to exalted and this sounds like a fantastic place to get more experience. Have been in a Dragon Blooded game on these forms before, but really looking for a good Solar run around type game to get me involved. If...
  2. Aurellian

    OOCness thread [Glorious Bastards]

    Two worms and me, nice. Once they've gone I'll post something about diving in. Just a reminder since I see the note about penalties is in the battlewheel, that i don't suffer penalties for being underwater. Thanks and come on brothers, we have some priates to slay (we are ninja after all).
  3. Aurellian

    Dragons and Demons [Glorious Bastards]

    [spoiler=]Mnemon Chu rolled the following in his 6 dice: 9, 6, 3, 4, 9, 7 Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 3 successes. Speed 6 action, drawing claws for the AMM. Chu's action is in joint with Eris.
  4. Aurellian

    Ask about the World [Two Faces of the Wyldspan]

    Around still.
  5. Aurellian

    OOCness thread [Glorious Bastards]

    With war 3 and no charms, I don't think it'd be wise of me to try to lead anyone right now.
  6. Aurellian

    Dragons and Demons [Glorious Bastards]

    Chu stares at the railing of the other ship intently. He knew how far he could jump and he would simply wait until their ship was close enough for him... the boots increasing his jumping distance being a significant help. At last, some pay back for the worm incident. He was going to cause...
  7. Aurellian

    Dragons and Demons [Glorious Bastards]

    [spoiler=]Still not close enough but why not. Mnemon Chu rolled the following in his 6 dice: 5, 1, 3, 8, 2, 6 Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 1 successes.
  8. Aurellian

    Dragons and Demons [Glorious Bastards]

    Sighing, Chu glances back. She was high up, again. Always hopping about, that girl. "Sure thing cousin, just as soon as they get into my range."
  9. Aurellian

    Dragons and Demons [Glorious Bastards]

    [spoiler=]Mnemon Chu rolled the following in his 7 dice: 8, 6, 1, 1, 9, 4, 5 Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 2 successes. Chu concentrates slightly harder and his boots begin to emit a soft light from each vent in it and he climbs to the railing of the ship, coiled and...
  10. Aurellian

    Dragons and Demons [Glorious Bastards]

    [spoiler=]Mnemon Chu rolled the following in his 5 dice: 9, 3, 10, 6, 9 Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 4 successes.
  11. Aurellian

    Demons of the Sea [Glorious Bastards]

    Chu allows himself to smile outwardly. Land and enemies. At last. Maybe he'll get a chance to play with the pirates instead of waiting to defend a ship or for a beastie to get close enough to destroy on deck. The last two days had been spent looking backward towards where the previous Lintha...
  12. Aurellian

    Demons of the Sea [Glorious Bastards]

    [spoiler=]Mnemon Chu rolled the following in his 5 dice: 5, 10, 1, 2, 6 Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 2 successes. Nope.
  13. Aurellian

    OOCness thread [Glorious Bastards]

    Relax danakir :P Eris is a good girl, if you give her something to play with. Chu's busy focusing on the Lintha for that :D Side note, Chu also believes in disproportionate responses to imagined threats. We're kind of making the Mnemon family seem a little unbalanced I guess. The good...
  14. Aurellian

    OOCness thread [Glorious Bastards]

    It could take a few days. I don't mind that. And making small holes is well within their ability, Earth-Hammer (my weapon) is literally capable of creating barndoors in the sides of non magic material ships. :P
  15. Aurellian

    OOCness thread [Glorious Bastards]

    Chu is still thinking diplomacy and if that fails, sink them... short of Solar level charms, it's basically impossible to stop a ship sinking if it has a hole the size of a barn in the side. Four ships just mean he has to move quicker :P
  16. Aurellian

    Demons of the Sea [Glorious Bastards]

    Re: Huge, flat and salty "Do what you will cousin. Just don't attack those people till they attack with the creature if you want. A rock in the ocean doesn't fare well, and I am a rock." Chu keeps his eyes on the Lintha. The worms actions shifting the boat almost violently but he...
  17. Aurellian

    Demons of the Sea [Glorious Bastards]

    Re: Huge, flat and salty Chu glances back at the people shouting about the ship. Interesting, warnings about a sea creature means nothing and its attack is an inconvenience...but the other ship was something to drive their rather over confident captain to screaming fury. This could hurt...
  18. Aurellian

    OOC Thread: Insert clever title here [Whispers of Heresy]

    Still here myself...just incase.
  19. Aurellian

    Demons of the Sea [Glorious Bastards]

    Re: Huge, flat and salty Chu glances at the ships and tries to remember all he has heard about the Lintha. Pirates with exalted amongst them as he recalls. Some rumor of Anathema amongst them too. This was going to be annoying to a man who needed solid ground beneath his feet. Maybe even...
  20. Aurellian

    Prelude: Ebb and Flow [Whispers of Heresy]

    Name: Rankin Location: Santobal - The Square Rankin glances about and walks over to a near by monk, "Excuse me, do you know which of your order that is here is most skilled at medicine, we have an injured man in need of some expertise at putting people back together again. Please send them...