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  1. Peter 109

    Act 1a: The Shamans [Sands of Glory]

    Tiger follows.
  2. Peter 109

    Act 1a: The Shamans [Sands of Glory]

    "Well, the storm does seem to be dying down now, and I'd rather not be late back. Interesting as a chance to explore here is, I refuse to risk missing the expedition to Harbourhead. Besides, you mentioned it might be unwise to linger here, right?" He glances around. "So, practical question...
  3. Peter 109

    OOC: this is were out of character discussion takes place [Sands of Glory]

    Re: OOC: this is were out of character discussion takes plac Sorry! I too am having computer issues, the power supply on my PC died and it is away for repair. Laptoping it now.
  4. Peter 109

    Act 1a: The Shamans [Sands of Glory]

    "Fair argument" Conceded Tiger, also proceeding with a purely visual examination of their surroundings. "But seriously, what a weird collection of objects. Who on creation put them here?"
  5. Peter 109

    Act 1a: The Shamans [Sands of Glory]

    Endeavouring to ignore the still beating organs, Tiger peers more closely around them. "Say... this stuff looks kinda valuable. Who left it here, I wonder? You don't suppose raiders could be using this as a stash somehow?"
  6. Peter 109

    Act 1a: The Shamans [Sands of Glory]

    "That... is truly disgusting." Valour (2) at target 7 yields 2,8 for 1 success.
  7. Peter 109

    Act 1a: The Shamans [Sands of Glory]

    No less curious than Ivory, Tiger shrugs and follows.
  8. Peter 109

    Act 1a: The Shamans [Sands of Glory]

    Perception (2) + Awareness (1) at target 7 yields 4,0,7 for 3 successes Intelligence (2) + Lore (1) at target 7 yields 9,9,6 for 2 successes
  9. Peter 109

    Act 1a: The Shamans [Sands of Glory]

    Tiger frowned. "Wonderful. Define 'too long'." He glanced behind him "Perhaps it would be wisest to return to the cave mouth and wait for the storm to pass?"
  10. Peter 109

    OOC: this is were out of character discussion takes place [Sands of Glory]

    @ Coyotekin I agree. I designed the character as a mediator and preacher, and he got dumped in with the shamans because I had an insufficient idea of the structure of the tribe at the outset. As it stands, I will put a dot or two of occult high on my buy list.
  11. Peter 109

    Act 1a: The Shamans [Sands of Glory]

    Tiger glances around, cautious. "What do you mean?"
  12. Peter 109

    Act 1a: The Shamans [Sands of Glory]

    (Tiger is not an occultist)
  13. Peter 109

    OOC: this is were out of character discussion takes place [Sands of Glory]

    Pst! Wakey wakey, SRC. :D
  14. Peter 109

    OOC: this is were out of character discussion takes place [Sands of Glory]

    Sorry to hear that, man. In related news, where is everyone else?
  15. Peter 109

    Act 1a: The Shamans [Sands of Glory]

    Tiger shrugged, and then grinned roughishly "Glad you were the one to say it. Now I can tell Feather it was your idea. Let's go."
  16. Peter 109

    Act 1a: The Shamans [Sands of Glory]

    Upon suggesting the use of the perfectly good cave behind them, Ivory recieved no objections from Tiger, who had no better ideas.
  17. Peter 109

    Act 1a: The Shamans [Sands of Glory]

    Assisting in wrapping the top of the bucket in cloth to protect it from the storm, Tiger followed in Ivory's footsteps, casting his gaze around in his own assessment for somewhere to shelter.
  18. Peter 109

    Act 1a: The Shamans [Sands of Glory]

    Wits (2) + Awareness (1) against target 7 yields 4,3,7 for 1 success Wits (2) + Lore (1) against target 7 yields 8,3,5 for 1 success Tiger is not an occultist.
  19. Peter 109

    Act 1a: The Shamans [Sands of Glory]

    We proceed on our way. ------------------------- Hey! 2 sucesses is not unreasonable for a mortal! :)
  20. Peter 109

    Act 1a: The Shamans [Sands of Glory]

    Perception (2) + Awareness (1) against target 7 yields 1, 6, 0 for 2 successes.