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  1. C

    Act 1, Scene 1: The Long Haul [One Hour to Midnight]

    Ezekiel waved his hand to indicate he was out: the eight thrones in his pocket clearly weren't going to stretch to any extravagances. It was a bit of a shock to the system. Vallombrosa, out on the way as it was, had met it's food demands with on-planet agriculture: real crops, actual herd...
  2. C

    Act 1, Scene 1: The Long Haul [One Hour to Midnight]

    Ezekiel's eyes widened. “20 thrones for a pack of smokes? That's bloody daylight robbery, that's what that is.†He thought about the meager handful of thrones in the pocket of his uniform. No help there. He briefly considered seeing if he could get the captain to bill the Inquisition, but...
  3. C

    Act 1, Scene 1: The Long Haul [One Hour to Midnight]

    Ezekiel cocked an eyebrow at Gabriel when the man mentioned sports, and rather pointedly lit a second lho stick. He shook the the packet. Nearly out. He glanced back up at the purser, who still seemed to be hovering. “If you can hunt me down a fresh packet of smokes, I'd be grateful...
  4. C

    Act 1, Scene 1: The Long Haul [One Hour to Midnight]

    Ezekiel nodded in agreement with Gabriel. He snapped a clip into the pistol he had been cleaning, racked the slide and sighted down the barrel. “Bullets kill everything.†he said, confidently. He didn't feel anything like as confident as he sounded. He hadn't had much contact with psykers...
  5. C

    Act 1, Scene 1: The Long Haul [One Hour to Midnight]

    Ezekiel sat in front of a low steel table, his weapons disassembled in front of him, meticulously checking and cleaning them. A smoking lho stick sat in the ash tray next to him, and he paused occasionally to take a drag. His first assignment in the service of the glorious Ordos of the...
  6. C

    (OOC) Ships Lounge [One Hour to Midnight]

    Midboss, using Bill Bailey for your character portrait makes you officially a legend. I award you one hundred points!
  7. C

    (OOC) Ships Lounge [One Hour to Midnight]

    Cool, thanks for that: I'll get my advances picked out shortly. For the equipment, one thing stood out: I seem to remember a heavy stub pistol (possibly actually called a hand cannon). If that does in fact exist (and I can afford it), then I'll grab one for the full 'Dirty Harry' effect. The...
  8. C

    (OOC) Ships Lounge [One Hour to Midnight]

    Hi Toloran: I've got most of my profile generated, but without access to the rulebook there are a couple of bits I need a hand with, namely the derived stats (movement, etc), salary, equipment and what advances I can get my grubby mits on with the 400 starting XP. A background story both deep...
  9. C

    Ezekiel Savitr [One Hour to Midnight]

    Background: File 4478AB/12: Transcript of Interview of Subject 27, recorded during the aftermath of the cleansing of Vallombrosa Thought for the day: Heresy begets retribution +++Transcript Begins+++ Mikhail: This is Interogator Mikhail, conduction the interview of Subject 27. For the...
  10. C

    (OOC) Ships Lounge [One Hour to Midnight]

    Is there anywhere in particular we ought to do the dice rolls for character creation (i.e., where rerolls will be monitored), or is it down to our impeccable honesty?
  11. C

    [Interest Check] Dark Heresy

    My experience with 40K: Around ten years activly playing the game, during which time I've owned the Codex for most races in one edition or another. As well as 40k itself I've also owned the spinoffs Inquisitor, Battlefleet Gothic, Epic, Necromunda and GorkaMorka. I bought White Dwarf...
  12. C

    [Interest Check] Dark Heresy

    I'd definitely be interested: I love the 40k universe, and my knowledge is pretty good, if a little out of date (I've been off the tabletop game for a few years now). I've got a fairly solid understanding of the core rules, although I don't actually have the book itself any more after having to...
  13. C


    'Word' I got: I'm down with the street talk. Fo' shizzle. I genuinley hadn't heard that knock-knock joke before, though. Luckily, as with so many times before, Google has compensated for my ignorance.
  14. C


    This banana joke of yours intrigues me...
  15. C


    Thank you both for the welcome!
  16. C


    Hi everyone, nice place you've got here! I'll come in with a confession right off the bat: despite having owning the core books for both editions of Exalted, I've never actually managed the find a tabletop game of Exalted. Hence, in fact, my rolling up here, cap in hand, seeking a game.