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  1. Mera'din

    [OOC] To the Roots... [The Hidden Truths]

    As do I.
  2. Mera'din

    Act 2c: The Price of Power [The Hidden Truths]

    Yeddiv's eyes sparkled as he watched the fight from above. He watched as the fighters sprang among the undead crawlers and beat them back with fountaining golden essence. It was mesmerizing watching them fight. Blood fountained from one of the men as the worm of crawling flesh ripped into...
  3. Mera'din

    Act 2: The Unseen Hunter [The Hidden Truths]

    Yeddiv curses, in his head, and tries to swing around like the eagle he isn't. The wind seems to slip out of his wings, and he flails for a moment before flapping back up to a higher altitude. Even as he hears the wind whistling past him, he feels absurdly pleased to not hear his wings. The...
  4. Mera'din

    Act 2: The Unseen Hunter [The Hidden Truths]

    Yeddiv narrowed his eyes at the sight of faerie flesh being torn asunder. Something dark in him smiled at the thought of the creatures of dreams suffering. But, almost despite himself, he had to admit that a legion of undead would do far more damage than any faerie could. Which meant he...
  5. Mera'din

    Act 2: The Unseen Hunter [The Hidden Truths]

    Straightening from his examination, Yeddiv looks to the noise, pulling at a kink in his arm. A battle so close has got to be related he thought as he accelerated into a run, flying over the ground with uncannily lifted feet. Something in his heart was singing, and the dirge it was pouring...
  6. Mera'din

    Act 2: The Unseen Hunter [The Hidden Truths]

    Yeddiv squinted as ash blew into his eyes. He slowly walked to the edge of the road, eyes searching the caravan for any clue as to what happened. Could have been a trick of the light, he thought A brief flash of ice flashed down his spine as he thought about being held to life, while...
  7. Mera'din

    Act 2: The Unseen Hunter [The Hidden Truths]

    ------------------- Perception+Awareness: 9 9 8 5 3 3 successes 9 8 6 5 1 2 successes
  8. Mera'din

    8 Descending Earth(Winters) [Through the Years of Strife]

    Vlad laughed, a full throated sound, and clapped the Captain on the shoulder. "No, I'm afraid that they need until the morning to prepare for a journey on the water." "I suppose I should finish up some of my own preparation, Captain. If you could send a lifeboat out to pick us up, I would...
  9. Mera'din

    Act 2: The Unseen Hunter [The Hidden Truths]

    Yeddiv covers his with a hand that tries, almost unconsciously, to twist into a talon. He forces it back with an effort of will, and steps toward the tableau. It could be one of the Dragon-Blooded, Yeddiv thought as grass crunched beneath his feet. He almost reaches the road before he...
  10. Mera'din

    8 Descending Earth(Winters) [Through the Years of Strife]

    "Well, Tzak, I suppose I just need to be on the water. I don't even care where you're headed." Winters said as he strolled under the dark ropes. He swung out briefly to gaze at the water. The water seemed very peaceful in the night, the ocean lapping against the hull. He came back in...
  11. Mera'din

    Act 2: The Unseen Hunter [The Hidden Truths]

    Yeddiv licked his lips. Feathers-Afloat had expounded at length about how useful the tools that nature had given in the form of demenses and manses were. His eyes flickered back to the movement again. The songwriter was too near to wait. Even though he heard nothing, a tug at his chest...
  12. Mera'din

    Act 2: The Unseen Hunter [The Hidden Truths]

    Yeddiv slows, and glances around, his lips peel back, and he finds himself wishing for his senses as an owl again. ------------------------------- 10 10 7 6 4 3 2 1 woot five successes.
  13. Mera'din

    Act 2: The Unseen Hunter [The Hidden Truths]

    Yeddiv's eyes narrow down to slits at the piece of cloth hanging so dutifully aloft in the wilderness. He leans into the wind, and is suddenly running, bouncing off the ground with steps that seem to almost defy gravity, as if the world holds just a slightly looser hold on his feet as he heads...
  14. Mera'din

    8 Descending Earth(Winters) [Through the Years of Strife]

    Winters walks, cat slick, down to the waiting deck. "I'm fine Captain," He says, and looks about the ship's eves, cloaked in nights shadows, "Show me around?" As the bemused captain begans to lead him away, Winters leans in, "I need a favor. My dependents and I need a ship to room on for...
  15. Mera'din

    8 Descending Earth(Winters) [Through the Years of Strife]

    Vlad landed in a crouch in one of the darker shadows. He pushed his hair out of his eyes as he squinted at the surrounding boats. I think that's the one, he thought, looking out over the darkened water. Winter glanced around, and finally surged forward, feet slapping lightly against the...
  16. Mera'din

    8 Descending Earth(Winters) [Through the Years of Strife]

    Winter looked about the store front he had sold his herbs at for almost a decade now. It was disturbing realize that this too was transitory, a testament to a life that few would remember, and fewer still would mourn to see leave. As Winter slowly finished putting the last of his medicines...
  17. Mera'din

    Act 2: The Unseen Hunter [The Hidden Truths]

    After days of flight, days in which Yeddiv forgets the feel of the ground, the voice whispers in his ear again. "They are close." Yeddiv hovers and then lands on a nearby tree, which bends alarmingly under his weight, "You got any better directions than that?" The voice refuses to answer...
  18. Mera'din

    Act 2: The Unseen Hunter [The Hidden Truths]

    Yeddiv bowed low as Feathers-Afloat dismissed him. He turned and smiled as he flexed his arms. Essence flowed down his arms and a single spark leaped from his fingers and rippled up his arms, leaving behind the feathered wings of a Stryx. Sound slowly came to dominate his world, and his...
  19. Mera'din

    8 Descending Earth(Winters) [Through the Years of Strife]

    Winter shook his head, and reached up to lower his mask, which had already started to bleach gray from that brief exposure. Winter kept a supply of the things, both full black and the pure white of a bleached mask. In fact, he almost had more white outfits than black outfits. It might be...
  20. Mera'din

    8 Descending Earth(Winters) [Through the Years of Strife]

    Winter smiles and extends a pale hand to grasp the shadow's gaunt one. As his fingers curl around the hand, warmth seems to leach away from his universe. The warmth of the sun, Winter reflected, had never felt farther away. But he hangs on for an intermidable age, staring into what he thinks...