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  1. taelsin

    Upon the Golden Sands

    erm taelsinbard is stalking dusk, eg me, not sure who he without name is
  2. taelsin

    Upon the Golden Sands

    I intend to be there
  3. taelsin

    Upon the Golden Sands

    found lookshy's stance on anethema in anycase they dont hunt or shun anethema, and peaceful ones can came into the city and are treated cordially, but the sheer power and unpredictability make some people there nervous
  4. taelsin

    Upon the Golden Sands

    its not impossible, base idea is char was from a semi prominent family of lookshy that just happened to exalt the wrong way as it were, and while whether they would still be welcome in lookshy or not I need to read more and speak with the gm, was looking at taking a rating 2 or 3 ally from there
  5. taelsin

    Upon the Golden Sands

    probably closer to works (but with, not quite for), but I'm still hammering out the background and wall o' text, I mean stats
  6. taelsin

    Upon the Golden Sands

    hi, putting this up more as a placeholder, got directed to here by your add at rpgloop, I'll have a full application up in a couple days the basic idea is a night caste that uses righteous devil style and has ties to lookshy
  7. taelsin


    hi, new here though that would probably be obvious, like exalted in anycase