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  1. TheTokenGirl

    Keychain #301-305

    I'm right there with you. I'm a big fan of Misho and I'm really looking forward to learning more about him. :)
  2. TheTokenGirl

    Keychain #296-300(!)

    Very beautifully done page. Very much well deserving of the 300th page spot. Was it planned this way? If so, very well done. If not, then very lucky. ;) The best part about this page, in my opinion, is the fact that despite what Secret is promising "Would you serve me? Give up your name? Even...
  3. TheTokenGirl

    Keychain #296-300(!)

    Okay, I may not be the biggest Secret fan but even I had to squee at this last comic.
  4. TheTokenGirl

    Keychain #296-300(!)

    To be honest I've never really roleplayed online before. My RP group tried doing that with our Scion campaign while most of our players were away at college... it didn't really work out. I would like to try again but I would first like to know exactly how it works and what kind of commitment I...
  5. TheTokenGirl

    Keychain #296-300(!)

    OMG!!!!111!11!!1 A GIRL! WHERE??? Holy crap... its me!!! O____O;;; No wonder everyone was being so nice to me... I always thought it was because of my charms and cunning wit. Guess I learned my lesson. Or perhaps the girl is a geeky nerd (therefore already interested in table top gaming) so...
  6. TheTokenGirl

    Keychain #296-300(!)

    The best part is I made sure to get the charm "Summoning the Loyal Steel". So, imagine a refined, delicate, albeit spoiled, little princess (who is, of course used to getting her way), with the power to summon a Grand Grimscythe at will. Its really quite fun. Gotta read the fine print there...
  7. TheTokenGirl

    Keychain #296-300(!)

    Actually its a scythe. ;) And thanks for the welcome.
  8. TheTokenGirl

    Keychain #296-300(!)

    Just wanted to throw in my two cents about the transition. I had to double back over the page to really get what was going on. The first time through I was just confused but when I reread it I got it. I'm guessing this is a page that will probably work better when reading through the archives...