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  1. C

    Simple Fey Questions

    My previous queries were made in moderate, well, frustration, but since then clearer heads have (mostly) prevailed. I've still been left with some questions, though, but they seem pretty simple so I figured I'd toss them here and see if anyone knew the answers: 1) Are all social attacks...
  2. C

    Feeey!!! (AKA: What is with this Bedlam nonsense? +Other Qs)

    So, yeah, looking at playing a Fey for a game, just, you know, for variety. And also because I had (what I thought was) a neat idea based on Fey "story archs" the "power of story" and all of those fun work ins. The setup is as follows: My character desires to experience creation, in part for...
  3. C

    More Lunar Inspired Confusion

    What I've been looking at is using the Merit Alluring Features (4 points) which raises the cap you can get from your appearance by four, if my memory serves, as well as giving you 3 bonus dice for all social interactions with anyone who could be attracted to you, and so on, giving me a much more...
  4. C

    More Lunar Inspired Confusion

    Okay, cool, hrm, now to decide if I want to abuse Alluring Features + Third Appearance Excellency. Face so pretty it causes mind rape! :P
  5. C

    More Lunar Inspired Confusion

    Thanks everyone who helped with my previous round of questions, this time I have something a little more direct and simple to ask. What is the Appearance cap on dice bonuses for social rolls? I have done my best to read through the Exalted core book and divine the answer after having read the...
  6. C

    Lunar Development Help

    Okay, let me explain, I was going to join a game, and I tend to create a lot of character ideas when I think about this kind of stuff, so to tone back and be able to focus on a smaller number so I might actually get one done. I was told what the group needed was someone who was decent at war...
  7. C

    Lunar Development Help

    Well, what happened was I was designing a character who was going to have that particular mutation as part of the character's traits and such (it's complicated, let's say) and I was trying to find a way to negate or abate flurry penalties so I could attack a number of foes at once (since I was...
  8. C

    Lunar Development Help

    Well thanks for the info guys, and the information in The Glories is quite handy... Er, about the charm/mutation, thing, though?
  9. C

    Lunar Development Help

    Okay, I'm starting to participate in an online exalted game, second exalted game I've been in, my first character was an exceedingly strange abyssal, but fun, I enjoyed working him into the setting, figuring out how his exaltation and experiences made him who he is, and so on... Which is what...