Search results for query: *

  1. Zeikfried

    Keychain #221 - #225

    While their absurd little "Cerebrus Posture" may look utterly stupid, and it may not have any specifics written up in the rulebooks, it does have actual precident in real history. Where? The chariot. Chariots had a horse team and driver (covered by Marena), an archer (covered by Secret)...
  2. Zeikfried

    Keychain 201 - 205

    Why either-or? Why not both-and?
  3. Zeikfried

    Keychains 196 through 200

    What was that? What wazzit? Was it a ball? What is that ball? What's that ball? Who wants a ball? Who wants it? Can she get it? Can she get the ball? Is Marena gonna get a ball? Is she gonna get a ball like a good girl? Is Marena the good girl who gets the ball? Where's that ball...
  4. Zeikfried

    Keychain #191 - #195

    My suggestion is to make use of the Inverse Ninja Principle - a lone ninja is clearly a badass, but an army of a thousand ninjas is composed of wusses and is a trivial threat. So far, we've mostly seen the characters up against relatively potent enemies - Abyssals, a high Essence Alchemical...
  5. Zeikfried

    Keychain #186 - 190

    I hope Marena's daughter turns out to be a Sidereal. You know, complete the set within the family.
  6. Zeikfried

    KoC 181-185

    Nah, just head to Great Forks. They're into that sort of thing. Also, if she wasn't a "foul Anathema," she'd have no problem whatsoever at a House Cynis party.
  7. Zeikfried

    KoC 181-185

    The best part is, how in the last panel, Secret seems to be counting on her fingers; my guess is that she's ticking off what she does count as "people." "Hmm...humans...ghosts...gods..."
  8. Zeikfried

    Misho's Origins - REVEALED!

    Ah, but there's a problem with that... Obsidian Shards of Infinity style, much like Zeal and Void Avatar Prana, is actually a typo. It's a very long typo, but a typo nevertheless.
  9. Zeikfried

    KoC 181-185

    Exactly this. I probably wasn't as clear on this as I should have been, but I was talking about Brigid's Hun, not her Exaltation. Brigid's Exaltation is still Twilight, but Secret could be her recycled Hun. While I don't think that it's ever directly stated, I get the impression that...
  10. Zeikfried

    KoC 181-185

    Oh, and as for Secret being the reincarnation of Brigid, I'd say that there's a far better chance of her being the reincarnation of Shadow's Grace...particularly since it's a potential plot-hook for Five Days Darkness to show up and make a request. Also, Secret using Ebon Shadow Style would be...
  11. Zeikfried

    KoC 181-185

    No, that'd be bad. Part of Secret's development as a character is that, while she can rely on her friends for help, she shouldn't have to rely on them to come solve all of her problems for her. Secret wants to become a strong, valuable member of the party, not the eternally helpless, scared...
  12. Zeikfried

    KoC 181-185

    What I'd be afraid of is that when Secret goes under, it's not just Marena that she hears whispering in her ear...but the whispers of the Neverborn. "I see it all so clearly now. All I have to do is kill everyone in Creation, and then myself, and I'll never be afraid again." I do love...