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  1. D

    Sidereals - Life in the Bureau

    Well, I'm not active on this forum all that much, but siddies games are always awesome, and I've had a Chosen of Battles floating around who I'd like to try... I will endeavor to introduce you to him this weekend.
  2. D

    New Game: Modern Nights

    Which is why I run my games new-Mage magic, old-Mage feel. :D But it sounds awesome, especially if you move the mechanics so we don't have to keep changing the frikkin' target numbers. Whoo!
  3. D

    New Game: Modern Nights

    So are we talking Mage: The Awakening, here, or Mage: The Ascension? I've run some WoD and converted it by just using the Tick system, but beyond that... well, I am down either way. Fate mages for the win!
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    New Game: Modern Nights

    Ditto - I am most definitely interested. I'd run one if I could, but I'm going to be starting a 6 week job at a sleepaway camp quite soon - my time's going to be crunched to hell. I will, however, be able to post a few times a day. Let's rock this magical technocratic casbah. (Thanks for...
  5. D


    :( And I only have the Rosetta Stone for Spanish.
  6. D

    Looking for Players

    I have the book! Paper beats pixels!
  7. D


    I go by TastyPanda elsewhere. This seemed more appropriate. Point being: You get five immaculates together. The Water immaculate is the supervisor, what with his skill in Craft (Water) - he also makes the gravy. The Earth Immaculate makes a roasting pit and acts as a skewer, turning the...
  8. D


    Boo! Since using old threads is better than making new, cluttery ones - I am in just about the same boat, except I have no Exalt preference (Actually, Solars are the only ones I haven't played...) Regardless, I'll be popping my head in around here, and possibly trying to run a game once my...