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  1. Arvarna

    Music What are you listening to?

    ^ you have good tastes my man, freaking love that song
  2. Arvarna

    [PRE-ARC] - Establishment

    ((OOC: Robotnik, we still don't know if anyone has hit yet so at this point the bladesman should still be in the same spot, neither shot nor tackled =3)) Volpe gave a short nod at the order and moved to the side under a glowing streetlamp after seeing his partner pull out the M9. He'd been...
  3. Arvarna

    [PRE-ARC] - Establishment

    [[OOC: I am also assuming we are watching Frost and Vale at the car crash site and are currently honed in on the girl.]] They had been in that freakin' van for hours, it was getting stuffy, and boring, and Volpe wanted out. But no, Mr. Drones kept droning on about how important retrieving...
  4. Arvarna

    [Megalopolis Classic] Mr. Felix, the mercenary scum

    Name: Mr. Felix (most commonly referred to as La Volpe meaning 'the fox' in Italian) Age: 27 Gender: Male Appearance: ‘La Volpe’ is a 5’8 Italian weighing at 176 pounds. He has an olive complexion with brown eyes and rich dark brown hair. His favourite outfit consist of jeans, boots and...
  5. Arvarna

    [Megalopolis Classic] Megalopolis - Discussion

    I'm really quite interested in joining this rp and had the same concern as Dr. Wheatley. Saying that, as he has now created a new corporation can I please request to join said corporation and if so, would they accept meta-humans on their side? Another thing is I'm one of those "rp balancers"...