Search results for query: *

  1. RayneStyles

    Briarwood Preparatory Academy

    Logan smirked, trying not to show that he found those idiotic lyrics to be to amusing, when he saw an outline of someone else passing them by. He turned his head to see some brunette, who obviously knew Conner, waving and smiling. He wanted to laugh at the grin that appeared on his face. A pudgy...
  2. RayneStyles

    Hi (: So...I probably should've mentioned this to you earlier...but I'm going away to camp for...

    Hi (: So...I probably should've mentioned this to you earlier...but I'm going away to camp for two weeks starting this Saturday. The only time I'll be able to get to the internet is at night and that's only a possibility because I'll be on my friends phone and there is no guarantee I'll be...
  3. RayneStyles

    Briarwood Preparatory Academy

    "Well your hair could be shorter.." he said, then smirked, half expecting him to laugh, until he saw the look he was giving him. He frowned and slipped his hands into his pockets, wanting to cringe at the mention of his mother. It felt like he never really had one. "And I actually never heard...
  4. RayneStyles

    Briarwood Preparatory Academy

    Logan made a face and shrugged. It wasn't that he didn't want to, but he was so self-conscious about himself, and his voice, he didn't spend as nearly as much time developing it as he should've. He pressed his lips together, he always hated making up excuses for not showing his natural talent...
  5. RayneStyles

    Briarwood Preparatory Academy

    Logan began humming to himself absently and closed his eyes. He knew there were probably a billion other things to do right now that would be productive, but as he usually does, he ignored the urgency. He really just wanted to do something he knew would have little to no benefit for him...
  6. RayneStyles

    Same old, same old.

    So honestly, I guess I haven't been on long enough on here to really say, but it seems as though there are a lot of cliche role plays. Especially when it comes to the non-anime sort. Like realistic, non-fantasy group. I personally am not a huge fan of anime (it's not that I don't like it, I just...
  7. RayneStyles

    Ah. Not sure why I didn't notice that before. Okay. Sounds like a plan. (:

    Ah. Not sure why I didn't notice that before. Okay. Sounds like a plan. (:
  8. RayneStyles

    Briarwood Preparatory Academy

    Morgan lifted her legs onto the wooden bench and sighed softly as she readjusted her drawing pad in her lap. Her back was beginning to hurt from hunching over the bound pieces of paper. She crossed her legs over each other and looked back at the flowers she was attempting to sketch, placing her...
  9. RayneStyles

    Briarwood Preparatory Academy Sign-Ups

    Okay. So. Obviously. I keep taking long breaks and I was going to start getting on again but I feel like I've held everyone up enough already. So I think I should pull myself from the RP and my characters should be given to someone else, who's been more active.
  10. RayneStyles

    Briarwood Preparatory Academy Sign-Ups

    Sorry I haven't been on. I was sick, then busy, then sick again. :/ Someone mind catching me up?
  11. RayneStyles

    Briarwood Preparatory Academy Sign-Ups

    Erm. Not sure if Morgan is being ignored on purpose or.. :/
  12. RayneStyles

    Briarwood Preparatory Academy

    Logan walked toward the East Gardens smoothly and slowly, pulling his hood over his head, starting to wish he'd brought an umbrella. Why he hadn't protested to meet somewhere inside? He didn't know. But he really wished he had. He frowned and pulled his hoodie closer to him after a few drops of...
  13. RayneStyles

    Briarwood Preparatory Academy Sign-Ups

    Isn't Logan with Conner?
  14. RayneStyles

    Briarwood Preparatory Academy

    Through a series of events to make himself look more presentable, Logan stepped back from the mirror, satisfied with the way he looked, completely. You couldn't even tell he'd just awoken from a nap. He smiled at himself then quickly slipped on his hoodie from his opened, suitcase, leaving...
  15. RayneStyles

    Briarwood Preparatory Academy

    Logan ruffled his hair, then began combing it with his fingers and rubbed his eyes, ignoring the stray buzzing on his bed in the other room, at least for now. He turned on the faucet and began to splash the cool water on his face, gradually beginning to wake him up from him over powering...
  16. RayneStyles

    Briarwood Preparatory Academy

    Morgan sighed softly and she watched him go. Her temper wasn't subsiding. This is what she was afraid of. No one understanding. And her losing it because people tried to act like they did. And even though, she did want someone to understand, she didn't. She was the soul that felt so shunned. And...
  17. RayneStyles

    Briarwood Preparatory Academy

    (Could he start?) She sighed, looking up at him. Feeling the anger boiling up again. It took every limb in her body to contain it. How dare he just say that? We all get angry sometimes, No. He was not going to try and understand, minimize what she was going through to a mere normal, human...
  18. RayneStyles

    Briarwood Preparatory Academy

    (Er..Let's say he said something that she was really sensitive to..But he didn't know it. So she got really pissed off and they started arguing, which started the whole rocky road thing. And now she's apologizing because she sort of over reacted? And since it looks like they might be on speaking...
  19. RayneStyles

    Briarwood Preparatory Academy

    Morgan, surprised to see him, sighed in relief, that he obviously wasn't upset with her like before. She wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his chest, sighing into it. She closed her eyes, sinking into his warmth. She couldn't bring herself to say sorry to him, but she had a...
  20. RayneStyles

    Briarwood Preparatory Academy

    Morgan tugged her bags through the doors, cursing because her hair had gotten damp. She entered the familiar hall that used to feel to warm and comforting, but not felt cold and unwelcoming. She felt like if she could read everyone's mind, they'd all be thinking the same thing. No one wants...