Thank you for the link! I'm just feeling a little sick right now and can't respond right away. If you still have spots open within the next few days, I'll definitely get back to you. Thank you for understanding!
I haven't really been watching any eastern dramas, but someone did introduce me to Descendants of the Sun. It's pretty good! It's about the life of a soldier and surgeon surviving war. I think it's only 16 episodes long so it wouldn't be too long to binge watch. c:
I just came across the Mysterious Universe podcast recently. I agree with hooligan. Definitely entertaining! :D
If you’re looking for an interesting, science based/psychology podcast, I like the Hidden Brain by NPR.
I'm on Discord! I used to be on other sites, but they've closed down because they were smaller communities. But my discord tag is @Lullaby#3600 if you want to add me on there. :)
Same! I haven't been in a group rp in a while so I'm trying to ease myself with one-on-one RPs. I have to write a partner search thread. >w<
Did you have any RPs you were craving?
Cool! How about a mesh of both? A futuristic vampire themed RP? Maybe one where a virus that causes vampirism leads to an outbreak? Or maybe becoming a vampire is actually what society aims for - immortality?
I'd be interested to throw around ideas and listen to yours, if you've got plots. Just...
Thanks! And welcome to the site too Enigmatic! :)
Genre-wise, I'm pretty flexible. I like anything from fantasy, sci-fi, mystery, adventure to realistic modern. Currently, I'm in a cyberpunky sort of mood though or maybe a futuristic dystopia. How about you? Any RPs you're currently craving?