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    Futuristic [Argon City] - OOC

    @RayPurchase sorry for being gone for some time my dude, work's been hell the past few days. I'll continue the second I have some free time, and i'm not drop dead tired.

    Futuristic [Argon City] - Open World Cyberpunk RP - Always Open

    Faint Country Music, Idle Chit-Chat, and the snaps of Grease on the Grill. An Elderly Couple at the far end of the bar, a Family of Four seated in a booth, and a Coffee-sipping Business Woman typing away on a Sagax Tablet. All were commonplace here, especially mornings. Keith never once thought...

    The fact that there's maybe one post per day has actually turned out really good for me...

    The fact that there's maybe one post per day has actually turned out really good for me, actually. With the fact that any day I could be called in to work, only to get home exhausted and go to sleep immediately, something that doesn't demand my 200% of my attention and I can read while on a...

    Futuristic [Argon City] - Open World Cyberpunk RP - Always Open

    The alarm clock buzzed at 8:00 AM, like every other day, and Keith was ripped from his peaceful sleep. He layed in bed, merely mentally preparing himself for the day to come. "Alright, Keith." He thought to himself, "Let's roll out of bed, shower, eat, take your pills, and off to work we go."...

    Futuristic [Argon City] - OOC

    Cool man, I'm just finishing up something for the main thread. When i get off work tonight i'll read through everything. edit: and please do the same to me, I joined this site to better my writing.

    Futuristic [Argon City] - OOC

    Hey all, hope you don't mind me joining in. I've added my character to the Characters Thread, as well as his own little location to the Lore thread. I didn't know where else to put his location, so I hope it fits there well. If you want anything done with it, ask and i'll delete it no...

    Futuristic [Argon City] - Tech, Lore, and other fun stuff

    Tangy Mango Family Bar: A small bar situated in the side of a residential block. The exterior is made of red clay bricks, despite the metal walls of all nearby buildings. Two round metal tables with sun umbrellas covering them can be found just outside, each having four metal chairs around them...

    Futuristic [Argon City] - Open World Cyberpunk RP - Characters

    Name: Keith Whitlaw Age: 61 Appearance: Backstory: Keith grew up in a small rural hunting town, approximately 7 hours outside of Argon City. He grew up with two moms, brother and sister who were twins, and very few friends. Due to the numerous hunting trips his non-biological mother would...

    Greetings, fellow humans.

    Due to this site telling me I must "Create 1 message" in order to make a box disappear, I leave all... 5(?) of you with this message. That is all. Good day, -SCRUBLORDPICKLE.