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  1. Cookies Need Love

    Dirk Gray's Academy for the Abnormal Student Rules and Registration

    Oh, Rei, I can get Mary to approach your character if you want :)
  2. Cookies Need Love

    Run, Run, As Fast As You Can (Cookies Need Love and B_NewDay)

    "Quite true. People seem to have regrettably gone more downhill," Luke replied. His voice was vaguely sarcastic, although it was only slight hints. Expressing emotions was another thing that had faded with time. He was usually alone, so showing what he felt was useless a lot of the time. Even...
  3. Cookies Need Love

    Run, Run, As Fast As You Can (Cookies Need Love and B_NewDay)

    Luke leaned against the wall next to his backpack and slithered down into a seated position with his legs crossed. An actual Human Being. And he didn't have to worry about her turning him in... Much. Still, even if she was a spy that would somehow get him sliced and diced by the government, be...
  4. Cookies Need Love

    Run, Run, As Fast As You Can (Cookies Need Love and B_NewDay)

    Lukas Personally, Luke hated his power with a passion unequaled by anything else in his life. He was normally a level headed, calm person but when it came to his... ability the boy couldn't help the little flame of hatred that flared up inside of him. The only reason he chose to refer to...
  5. Cookies Need Love

    Run, Run, As Fast As You Can (Cookies Need Love and B_NewDay)

    Lukas Luke waited impatiently for the girl to enter the bunker. He realized the oddity of the situation, bit this was the way he'd always been. Split second decisions and then he simply acted on those decisions. No looking back. Well, that was what he to himself. It was a rule he rarely...
  6. Cookies Need Love

    Run, Run, As Fast As You Can (Cookies Need Love and B_NewDay)

    Lukas Luke hurried down the streets, his feet slipping over the cracked ground without a sound easily. Slippery and sneaky had always been his way; and his nondescript features helped immensely with that. Still, Luke found himself often at risk when surrounded by a large group of zombies. A...
  7. Cookies Need Love

    Run, Run, As Fast As You Can (Cookies Need Love and B_NewDay)

    Years ago strange children started being born. Children with powers beyond that of a normal Human. They had all sorts of abilities, from fire manipulation to mind reading. These children were collected by the government and taken away to be studied. Time passed and each time a Special, as they...
  8. Cookies Need Love

    Dirk Gray's Academy for the Abnormal

    Mary Mary let out a little sigh of relief. She didn't mind the laughter from the pair; it was all good natured. She instinctively flinched away from the man as he tried to pat her shoulder. She hadn't been touched in so long... As long as she could remember. Any attempt to do so was foreign...
  9. Cookies Need Love

    Might I entice you with a 1x1 Literate Roleplay?

    Huh, not especially. I'm good with just about anything mythical! You wanna do PMs too? :)
  10. Cookies Need Love

    Beyond the Barrier

    Chris Andd Chris was still sitting, silent, by the tree. He hadn't made a move since the two arrived. It didn't seem, to him anyway, that they were there for fighting, really. In fact, the only one that seemed fired up was the boy who had already been with them- Kage, he thought his name...
  11. Cookies Need Love

    An Alternate Ending (rules and character sheet)

    Okey dokey! I don't mind not being the Leader, Arinthaul is not the Leader type anyway xD
  12. Cookies Need Love

    Dirk Gray's Academy for the Abnormal

    Mary Mary smiled at the two as they walked. She wondered vaguely how they'd known she was a ghost, then shrugged it off. Probably the same way every Human she passed knew to scream at her appearance despite the fact that she looked normal. Well, she thought she looked normal. Maria didn't even...
  13. Cookies Need Love

    An Alternate Ending (rules and character sheet)

    Name: Arinthaul Stryph Age: Twenty Race: Elf Power: Power of the Mind- Arinthaul can infiltrate another's mind and read it or, if they are susceptible enough, place an idea in it. However people can build 'walls' around their minds to keep them out. 'Walls' strong enough tend to take years...
  14. Cookies Need Love

    Might I entice you with a 1x1 Literate Roleplay?

    I wouldn't mind a one on one, with the gifted/mythical creature one ^-^
  15. Cookies Need Love

    Dirk Gray's Academy for the Abnormal

    Mary "Natural talent is useless if you do not apply it. Nonetheless, thank you for the compliment," Mary responded. She stood as he did and floated over to where the students were standing to hear the address. She had no money, no way of paying for a room. Hopefully they would take pity on a...
  16. Cookies Need Love

    Heaven, Hell, or Something Inbetween?

    ((Ugh, yeah, it's taken me a while to shake this one off XP I have to say; Amelia Pond is my absolute favorite xD )) "Of course it is every single thing effects everything else and if you changed one thing then everything else would change and then nothing would be as it would be, and that...
  17. Cookies Need Love

    Heaven, Hell, or Something Inbetween?

    "At the very beginning the universe was a tiny little dot. But then Humans came and there was so much nonsense stuffed into the tiny dot that it exploded into the huge thing we have today," Maria recited, sounding as if she was quoting something. A small smile interfered with her usual huge grin...
  18. Cookies Need Love

    Heaven, Hell, or Something Inbetween?

    ((I don't mind! :) Your responses are good, instead of useless and nonsensical chatter like mine are right now xD Yes. Yes you have met another Doctor Who fan. And now the question we all must ask... Who's your favorite Doctor?)) "Yes, they do. But do you? After all, you've yet to tell me...
  19. Cookies Need Love

    Heaven, Hell, or Something Inbetween?

    Maria frowned slightly as the boy accepted her offer with a smile. She hadn't really been expecting him to. Well, she had, actually, since what criminal wouldn't jump at the chance to hide out? More she'd kind of, a little bit, been hoping that he would say no and then she'd feel kind of mean...
  20. Cookies Need Love

    Heaven, Hell, or Something Inbetween?

    Maria Anne Stryph was dancing down the street. Not simply swaying to a song in her head, but spinning and swooping gracefully. Well, kind of gracefully. Honestly she wasn't very graceful at all. Maria looked kind of like a heron trying to swallow a particularly slippery fish but she didn't mind...