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  1. Remonalynn

    College for the Cursed [Inactive]

    Hestia along the way, had stared at nothing but her companion, who in turn, had stared at everyone else. Most of them appeared to be dead, which was fine. But others, seemed to be alive, and it bother Zefrina. If anything, she was sure she could make them dead, though the gargoyle was...
  2. Remonalynn

    Curiously sleepy.

    Curiously sleepy.
  3. Remonalynn

    College for the Cursed

    Name: Hestia Dupree Age: 14 Species: Undead Gender: Female Role: Student Chosen Course: Necromancy Magic: Dark Bolt - Can throw bolts of dark energy that are physically and mentally crippling Misasma Cloud - Will attempt to infect a living being with a disease of her own creation...
  4. Remonalynn

    Interested in your College for the Cursed RP. However, I've never done a group RP and am...

    Interested in your College for the Cursed RP. However, I've never done a group RP and am slightly terrified. I have a character in mind I'd like to do, but because of how she works with her pet...uh, zombie I guess is what I'd call her, She'd kind of be two characters, bundled into one if...
  5. Remonalynn


  6. Remonalynn

    Ha! Thankfully we don't have a baby neonato ward anymore.

    Ha! Thankfully we don't have a baby neonato ward anymore.
  7. Remonalynn

    Of course! And let's be glad I'm not a doctor or a nurse.

    Of course! And let's be glad I'm not a doctor or a nurse.
  8. Remonalynn

    Naaahh, those are fine shake it off!

    Naaahh, those are fine shake it off!
  9. Remonalynn

    I think it could be really fun, my kind of organization doesn't go well with it though I think...

    I think it could be really fun, my kind of organization doesn't go well with it though I think. (Or my lack or organization anyway.)
  10. Remonalynn

    Greetings and Salutations

    Yeah, tomorrow I'll post some. At work tonight though. Sooo sleepy!
  11. Remonalynn

    That's about all I really do. I'm hoping to be able to learn group rps but they idea of a group...

    That's about all I really do. I'm hoping to be able to learn group rps but they idea of a group role-olay confuses me. I find controlling multiple characters much easier than dealing with multiple people.
  12. Remonalynn

    Once I get settled I. And have time to upload some things after getting back from work, I'll be...

    Once I get settled I. And have time to upload some things after getting back from work, I'll be sure to do so!
  13. Remonalynn

    Same! I am used to more... Smutty natured rps however so an adjustment or two will be required...

    Same! I am used to more... Smutty natured rps however so an adjustment or two will be required on my part.
  14. Remonalynn

    Greetings and Salutations

    Hey! I'm lurking through the internet trying to find an rp site to stick with after I'd had it up to here with one thing or another. I'm quickly trying to familiarize myself with the rules and conduct here. I find the character gallery interesting, but considering I have at least 50+...
  15. Remonalynn

    Interested in learning different roleplay styles.

    Interested in learning different roleplay styles.
  16. Remonalynn

    Interesting in learning different roleplay styles.

    Interesting in learning different roleplay styles.