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  1. punkrockscreech

    Current Tournament Entries

    I hope you can keep up. >BJ
  2. punkrockscreech

    Current Tournament Entries

    Retard. xD No, I don't use Tal much aside from the latest tourney I participated in. But it's about time his offspring come looking for blood.With that said Cheshire here is no slouch and it's fitting his kid would come after Itasko.
  3. punkrockscreech

    Current Tournament Entries

    I'm okay, Mason. Realize this character is my newest one. I won't go very far but I will not be a first round out. xD
  4. punkrockscreech

    Current Tournament Entries

  5. punkrockscreech

    Current Tournament Entries

    I lost in the second round. There was an established problem with my character's weakness from the word go as the environment was a Volcanic Tunnel. It wasn't that he found himself in danger because of heat, rather it was because he couldn't smell anything but brimstone.
  6. punkrockscreech

    Current Tournament Entries

    I just finished a tournament on another site. LET'S GO! PUT IT ON HIM! 38<This site makes faces look odd. e.e
  7. punkrockscreech

    The Epic Quest That should tell you all you need to know.Whether she's part of the core group, or not I'll let you decide. Cheshire can be the typical supporty mage/bard type for powers. I'm just not completely useless for a brawl.