Hi there! It’s been 183 yeaaaarrrrs! Ok maybe not that long. But it’s been a good long time. Life got busy. As it does. And I kinda dropped off the face of the earth to be more present on the real world.
I’m an avid RPer. I’m the player you keep on your back pocket for some fun plotting...
The conversation had died out quickly, when the small group realized Genny wasn't going to offer more information. It was fine, they likely surmised. They'd be able to make up the details on their own. Surely a story way more interesting than the actual details.
As the small group dispersed...
It had taken some time to get used to the new routine. To be fair, it was far more than a routine they had to get used to. It was a whole new way of life. One that she hoped she'd slide right back into.
But things had changed more than Genny would have imagined. Though the small sleepy...
Hi there! I’m returning to the RP world, and I have this plot idea I’d like to play out.
But before I get into it, a few things. I’m a detailed writer. I’m looking for the same. Three paragraphs or more. Descriptions. Backstory. I love to read your reply! Give me something to work with...
Hi there! My brain is spinning a little story here, that I would like to play out with another person. Im looking for long term, one on one. Someone to play the male character. A possible romance, but I'd like to see first if these characters themselves see fit. I don't want to force the...
Hi there! I've been looking through the ads, I think Ive messaged a few of you. So you might recognize me. To those of you who don't:
Hullo! Im Gracie.
Ive been roleplaying for quite a few years. Probably more than I care to admit. I really like to write. To tell a story. So my...
Ive had any and all of these situations. And I think each scenario depends greatly on the writer (partner) themselves.
Ive been on sites where part of the persons 'looking for' ad is 'no OC Chat.' but their looking for was so tempting, I went for it anyway. I have come to learn that I...
Well hello there! Thanks for checking out my 'Ad'!
First off I wanted to introduce myself. I did so in the introduction thread. But I wanted to put this here as well, so that you knew what you were getting into with a writer such as myself.
My name is Gracie. Im a Mom of two kids. I...
I might be into the same fandoms as you. For Im rather lost here when it comes to the popular ones posted. :) Ive seen Psyche and got a kick out of it. Could rewatch and get some muse. And who doesn't like friends? ;)
I like your plot ideas. Im certain we can come up with something.
Hey I'd be interested! I have a few plot ideas kicking around. Shoot me a message if you're still looking for players. I tend to like to write a bit and build a long play story.
Thankyou kindly! Its a big place to get to know! I was on another board for quite some time. But it seemed to have lost its popularity.
**Pokes around** This place looks rather nice!
Hello! Ive been on the lookout for a place to come and tell some stories. Ive been doing 'written roleplays' for quite some time, and really enjoy it! I hope to get a chance to come to know some of you!