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  1. Z

    Hello. I am your subconscious.

    Hello. I am your subconscious.
  2. Z

    The Fight and Flight of Serendipity [Sign Up]

    By What Name Do You Answer? Xanthos Ohm. It's a pleasure. What Creature Are You? I am a dragon. None which you're familiar with I'm sure. Does Your Nature Lend You Any Particular Power or Capabilities? For the record, I am no firebreather. I emit electricity and sometimes attract it...
  3. Z

    Don't be too afraid! The hacker only shut down the main page, the rest of the site is fully...

    Don't be too afraid! The hacker only shut down the main page, the rest of the site is fully accessible ^.^
  4. Z

    Knight Academy character sheets

    @Skull, I think what Faith is trying to say is if you have a demon-possessed character, well, it's not much different than having a human, unless the spirit in possession gives him power. In that case, it would probably be better if he were a student. Or just make the teacher a full-on demon...
  5. Z

    Where are you?

    Where are you?
  6. Z

    Zombie Apocalypse

    It was finally getting dark. A sign of the end, slowly beckoning a new beginning, hopefully. There was no telling how much time was left, since the clouds obscured any light remaining. The rain poured down on Isabella, as she trudged along the side of the road. The rain was bittersweet in a way...
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    Zombie Apocalypse Survivors!

    NAME: Isabella Marie Bianchi NICK NAME: Bella AGE: 22 APPEARANCE: 5'0", brown eyes, dark hair. Signs are given of once being heavy-set. PERSONALITY: Has a sense of "street smarts;" her father has taught her not to trust...
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    Highschool is Hell

    Dennis sighed at Alice's reaction. "Aw come on, I didn't mean it that way," he replied. He then chuckled at Alex's arrival. "Hey,life isn't determined by ringing a bell" he said, gently strumming his ukulele. He turned to Alice and back to Alex. "Ready to go?" He asked.
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    Highschool is Hell

    Dennis had suddenly heard Alice's voice, and stopped playung after a fast riff. "Hey Shortie!" Dennis replied, metting her in the middle of the hallway.
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    Highschool is Hell

    Dennis was heading to his locker, eating a klondike bar. He was in a good mood today so he pulled his ukulele from his locker after stuffing his backpack inside the locker. He began playing it while walking down the hall and looking for his best friend Alice
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    Alvere: Day 1

    But.... what? D:
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    Alvere: Day 1

    I don't know it was the first one, so I took my chances...
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    Alvere: Day 1

    Guys, don't fight. :( this is a tough time for all of us right now...
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    Alvere: Day 1

    Well, I could be trusted :D right.......?
  15. Z

    Alvere: Day 1

    *flails* what are we going to dooo??????!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Alvere: Day 1

    Oh my god! Somebody killed our council!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Z

    Highschool is Hell

    Okay thanks! There's gonna be two more people joining in with me so I hope you don't mind. Name: Dennis Lohr Age: 17 Personality: quiet‚ yet friendly. also talented dancer Description/pic: Other...
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    I would like to join
  19. Z

    Highschool is Hell

    (May a couple of friends and I join?)