Search results for query: *

  1. SavageGummiBear

    Multiple Settings Strange Cravings!

    Looove asylum RPs ^-^ Very keen on doing a patient x patient with you!
  2. SavageGummiBear

    Fresh Meat~!

    @Just_a_loneley_pilgrim @Grapler81 @Colton_Briggs Thanks guys!~ ♡ @give_toast_hugs I would love that! Did you have anything in mind? @Knight Hospitaller Well, welcome! :D if you want a fellow noob to chat with, I'm it! Haha @Critic Ham Ohhhh I love a good pun x) I'm super in if you want to...
  3. SavageGummiBear

    Fresh Meat~!

    Thanks everyone for your warm welcomes! @Snapshutter I hope I do too :3 @Angelofdarkness You look new too! SO, welcome as well! @MythicMew Oh good! I'm so glad to hear that, thank you!
  4. SavageGummiBear

    Multiple Settings Lets make stories out of songs!

    I'm interested as well! A couple songs come to mind... (:
  5. SavageGummiBear

    Fantasy (Interest Check!!) Fantasy RP!!!

    Hopefully this is still available/open? 'Cuz i'm SUPER in :D
  6. SavageGummiBear

    Multiple Settings [Always looking, ignore post count] RP Partner Search 2: Electric Boogaloo.

    As of tonight I am new here, however, I am not new to roleplaying ^u^ I would love to RP with you! We seem to have the same interests, so I ask, which ones are you craving currently? I think I'm leaning towards futuristic/drama/thriller ?
  7. SavageGummiBear

    Fresh Meat~!

    Hello friends! The name is SavageGummiBear but you can shorten it however you wish. I'm a gamer girl from Canada and an avid pet lover *o* I'm new to RPnation but not to roleplaying. For years I've been looking for a stable website to write on and I hope I've found it! After doing some counting...