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  1. JWulfgar

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    *John was silent for a moment, then he spoke up again, this time a little bit ashamed of what he just do* "Um... I'm sorry I kicked you. No hard feelings?" *He then saw Dr. Hyde walked towards the computer, so he followed after putting on his clothes and equipments again* "So... What or...
  2. JWulfgar

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    *John opened his eyes immediately when he felt Dr. Hyde's hand touched his shoulder. Startled, he reached underneath his pillow and pulled out his SOG Knife, all while crunching his body up and then delivering a kick into the good Doctor's stomach* Who are you, and what are you doing here...
  3. JWulfgar

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    Hrmphf... *The Wolf gave an audible... Well, audible ken?'to the right word, but still... He gave an audible grunt as he knew his thoughts could be heard by Williams and anybody else who uses the device. With that, John excused himself and retreated into an empty room, put down his...
  4. JWulfgar

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    (My phone' running outta juice. If you see that I'm not replying for a long period of time, assume that John went to sleep on a couch / room (God knows he need one), or excused himself and do some Sentry Duty as a sniper)
  5. JWulfgar

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    S***, he's planting a kill switch on us. You should've taken the other option, you dumb brat. Now we're guaranteed dead men. "Simmer down. You're making my head hurts... You're making my head... Hurts... Hoo boy..." *John muttered aloud what was meant to be a thought to his Wolf. The...
  6. JWulfgar

    You and me both... But mine was more Slow Internet than bad Graphics Card or whatnot. *John...

    You and me both... But mine was more Slow Internet than bad Graphics Card or whatnot. *John sighed dejectedly. His "admin" has been speaking through him again, and that annoys the man greatly when someone he never see took control of his mouth and vocal cord to speak to others*
  7. JWulfgar

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    "Don't worry. I utilize the Lunar Calendar to determine the next Full Moon. And when the time comes..." You lock me up so I can't do any damage to anybody. "... I lock myself up so my Wolf can't attack anyone." *John said in a matter-of-fact manner*
  8. JWulfgar

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    "As for the drug..." Don't you dare... "As much as my Wolf and I hated each other, I'll have to decline." *John said, gently pushing the hand holding the pills away from him, hoping that he didn't offend Williams in any ways* "And thanks for the compliment. The gun is amazing."
  9. JWulfgar

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    "That would certainly help. But... Why are you giving these techs for free?" *Nevertheless, John took the contacts and apply them to his eyes, blinking a few times to get used to the new objects covering his irises*
  10. JWulfgar

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    He gave me a gun that use weird ammunition and a high tech scope. Surely, he couldn't be bad. Yeah, "surely." You are way to trusting of others, John. And that would be your downfall. We survived this far, didn't we? Thanks to your luck, we did. But what would we be if you ran...
  11. JWulfgar

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    Don't. Trust him. We'll see if he's trustworthy later. Besides, his words ring truth, as we are in no condition to fight. Even if you were to take over and transform, there's no way we'll win. Hmphf... *The Wolf gave a stubborn sigh inside John's mind, and John cracked a thin...
  12. JWulfgar

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    "How did you-?" *John jumped back in alarm when he heard his name coming out of a stranger's mouth, his cloak fluttered slightly at the sudden movement. He then scan the man for threats, but only saw his dossier on his hands and a set of unnaturally sharp fangs. Seeing as how his host has yet...
  13. JWulfgar

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    *As John walks through the wasteland in the vicinity of the megaphone, he heard a loud, high-pitched feedback before someone's voice called-out. Something about "rebuilding the land" and how "all species is accepted." Weary of the life on the road, John finally decided to intercept the call and...
  14. JWulfgar

    I don't like to dirty this Armani Suit, but I also don't want to stand and talk. It gets tiring...

    I don't like to dirty this Armani Suit, but I also don't want to stand and talk. It gets tiring very quickly, standing and talking. Come, sit down and tell me a little about yourself.
  15. JWulfgar

    Why? To meet you, of course. I mean, my cousin speaks very highly of you, so I wanna see you in...

    Why? To meet you, of course. I mean, my cousin speaks very highly of you, so I wanna see you in person. So far, you have not disappointed me. *John said simply, buttoning his suit back up, looking around for something to sit on as he does. When he found nothing, he sighed and sat down onto the...
  16. JWulfgar

    *John opened his suit's buttons and revealed that he is, in fact, unarmed, just as he said* I...

    *John opened his suit's buttons and revealed that he is, in fact, unarmed, just as he said* I already told ya, I'm unarmed right now. I thought maybe, as an act of good will, I go and meet you without arming myself up. Guess that bit me back in the arse, eh?
  17. JWulfgar

    That's the spirit. Wouldn't be nice to kill an unarmed opponent, would it? *John said jovially...

    That's the spirit. Wouldn't be nice to kill an unarmed opponent, would it? *John said jovially, and a careful look over really displayed that he wasn't packing any heat with him. No bulge on the vest, no knife sheath... Nothing. But he's still wearing his watch, and who knows if he had a DR...
  18. JWulfgar

    Well... That WAS my plan. Not anymore, it seems. But seriously, though, chillax. I ain't...

    Well... That WAS my plan. Not anymore, it seems. But seriously, though, chillax. I ain't gonna try and kill ya. Unless, of course, you fired upon me first.
  19. JWulfgar

    When Darkness Comes.

    Name: John A. Wulfgar Age: 41 Species: Werewolf Changeling (So basically Werewolf) Biography: John was born as a normal human on the outskirts of England. He was an underachiever; as he grow up and went through school, he tried his best not to get straight A's, but rather put just enough...
  20. JWulfgar

    Oh you jest... Wait, you're serious? Merde. Um... Oh, yeah. Greetings. We- I mean, I came in...

    Oh you jest... Wait, you're serious? Merde. Um... Oh, yeah. Greetings. We- I mean, I came in peace.