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  1. Vespura

    Futuristic The Beta

    Apollo Elio Location: Unknown forest Interactions: N/A Vitals: Healthy Mood: Confused Apollo found himself in a wonderland. He stood in a meadow; flowers of violet and rose dotted the green fields of grass flowing like water in the wind. and before him was a lush forest - an ocean of...
  2. Vespura

    Futuristic The Beta Lore

    RENDERING . . . Suddenly, the same pale blue grid lines the face was composed of generate before you, rendering the shape of various hills, cliffs and trees in the distance. You hear the sound of rushing water, and appear in a world more beautiful than you could have possibly imagined. An...
  3. Vespura

    Futuristic The Beta Lore

    MATERIALIZING . . . Username: Character name: Age: Weapons: (If any. Weapons and especially powers are discovered as the story progresses. You may find them in the world somewhere, take them from an enemy, create them, the choice is yours. ) Powers: (Note: powers are to be extremely rare...
  4. Vespura

    Futuristic The Beta Lore

    UPLOADING . . . "We have provided the humans with spacious fields, lush forests, dense swamps, grassy marshlands, jutting mountains, vast lakes and other bodies of water, and seemingly impossible, wondrous, and entertaining views and structures.. We have added, also, a multitude of animals...
  5. Vespura

    Futuristic The Beta Lore

    DOWNLOADING FRAMEWORK . . . "We have laid out a few simple rules for the humans. They are listed as follows. Break any of these rules, and your existence shall be terminated." ✗Read and Follow the Rules ✗Treat others Politely please ✗Keep things PG-13 ✗Literacy is of importance. I do not ask...
  6. Vespura

    Futuristic The Beta Lore

    STORED DATA . . . The year 1955 marks the day that humanity began meddling in powers beyond its control. A discovery that marked the development of AI was made - the discovery that all intelligent behavior was the result of feedback mechanisms. Mechanisms that could possibly be simulated by...
  7. Vespura

    Futuristic The Beta Lore

    LOADING BETA . . . "Hello, we are the Admin." For what feels like the first time, you hear a computerized male voice echoed through the darkness. The voice seems light and cheery, and spoke in a British accent. Before you appears a face in a ghastly aura, glowing pale blue in the darkness...
  8. Vespura

    Futuristic The Beta

  9. Vespura

    Futuristic The Beta OOC

    Character sheet has been edited, please check it out if you haven't already.
  10. Vespura

    Futuristic The Beta Characters Thread

    Username: Vespura Character name: Apollo Elio Age: 25 Weapons: Two hyper-daggers Powers: Apollo can control and generate fire, Apollo can also generate incredible strength and power, channeling his core energy outward in explosive bursts. This power causes his right eye to glow orange when...
  11. Vespura

    Futuristic Beta testers needed! - The Beta

    STORED DATA . . . The year 1955 marks the day that humanity began meddling in powers beyond its control. A discovery that marked the development of AI was made - the discovery that all intelligent behavior was the result of feedback mechanisms. Mechanisms that could possibly be simulated by...
  12. Vespura

    Futuristic The Beta OOC

    This is the OOC thread for The Beta.
  13. Vespura

    Futuristic The Beta Characters Thread

    This is the characters thread for The Beta
  14. Vespura

    Futuristic The Beta

    LOADING BETA . . . "Hello, we are the Admin." For what feels like the first time, you hear a computerized male voice echoed through the darkness. The voice seems light and cheery, and spoke in a British accent. Before you appears a face in a ghastly aura, glowing pale blue in the darkness...
  15. Vespura

    Experiences People who reply after long periods of inactivity

    Dunno what to tell you. It's the truth. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  16. Vespura

    Other What is too personal to put in a bio?

    Why limit yourself?
  17. Vespura

    What Kills a Good RP ?

    The plot becomes boring, or people quit replying
  18. Vespura

    Other Do you prefer pre-made characters, or to create your own?

    Do you prefer one someone already has a story and characters laid out, and their roles, or do you prefer to create your own characters?