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  1. Suzaku Kururugi

    Hidden Secrets [Inactive]

    As Fredric made it to the school building he had realized that his first class was a free period and he was quite angry with himself for not know his schedule. He mutters. " Really!?" As he leans against the wall he starts to see all the other people arriving for class and he wonders what he is...
  2. Suzaku Kururugi

    Hidden Secrets [Inactive]

    As the alarm clock went off a groggy sigh began to escape Fredrick's lips as he slowly crawled out of his bed and turned the alarm off. As he cleared his throat and walked over to the mirror to see how much damage sleeping had done to his hair he let a soft smile appear on his face seeing that...
  3. Suzaku Kururugi

    Hidden Secrets

    It's going to be great!!
  4. Suzaku Kururugi

    Hidden Secrets

    Yeah! I like meeting people xD
  5. Suzaku Kururugi

    Hidden Secrets

    For that and just to meet people!
  6. Suzaku Kururugi

    Hidden Secrets

    I'm glad I joined a few days ago
  7. Suzaku Kururugi

    Hidden Secrets

    Since your character happens to be a Royal and mine is Human!!
  8. Suzaku Kururugi

    Hidden Secrets

    I'm looking forward to Rp'ing with you xD
  9. Suzaku Kururugi

    Hidden Secrets

    Gosh!! I have such hopes xD
  10. Suzaku Kururugi

    Hidden Secrets

    That's awesome xD I'm looking forward to it!!
  11. Suzaku Kururugi

    Hey, what's up?

    Hey and welcome to the site!!
  12. Suzaku Kururugi

    Hidden Secrets

    Name: Fredric Rozenfeld Age: 17 Royal or Human: Human Grade: 11 Description(anime please): Personality: Fredric is a very nice guy who tries his best at school and helping his friends whenever they need help. He's not too good at math because he's always asking his friends for help in...
  13. Suzaku Kururugi

    Am I an Eleven or Japanese?

    Am I an Eleven or Japanese?
  14. Suzaku Kururugi

    Hey! It's a pleasure

    Now that would only work if you were my sweet Euphy xD Thank you for the warm welcome Emperor Shadow and I do really hope to see you around too!!
  15. Suzaku Kururugi

    Hey! It's a pleasure

    Thank you my friend xD I may just do that!! And very funny pic xD
  16. Suzaku Kururugi

    Hey! It's a pleasure

    Hey! I'm Suzaku, I used to RP on Twitter for the bulk of my time but after 25 minutes of searching it seems I found a good sight! I can be an all around kind of guy pretty much but I can also be pretty stubborn at times so I'm really sorry if I stick to my guns till I win or proven wrong xD I...