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  1. Dominae Abstergo

    The Star Hounds [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  2. Dominae Abstergo

    The Star Hounds [Inactive]

    "The ICPU won't give up on their engine easily. They'll have security, but also developers and innocent people. If someone surrenders, I would hope that you let them live. If they don't, you may do with them as you wish. Only a fool does not realize when he is beat, and the universe has...
  3. Dominae Abstergo

    The Star Hounds [Inactive]

    "We may need to gather it as we go," said Tazira regretfully, "After that scout died on Blackout, I don't have any other ways of finding out more about their defenses." She thought for a moment, then nodded to herself. There wasn't much to be done about the intel, maybe if they came across an...
  4. Dominae Abstergo

    The Star Hounds [Inactive]

    Tazira listened to their suggestions, pride swelling in her chest. She may have been doubtful of her choices before, but as her crew debated their options, there was a certainty in her mind that she had the right men for the right job. More and more options presented themselves from each...
  5. Dominae Abstergo

    The Star Hounds [Inactive]

    Tazira turned to the android. "I'll need every bit of help I can get. You tell me what you need to build this Vortex strike, and I'll do my best to get it. And I have a special task for you, my metallic friend. I need you to map us a path to Blackout- find a path that helps us avoid as many...
  6. Dominae Abstergo

    The Star Hounds [Inactive]

    "We start as soon as we can," Tazira replied, grinning. She liked the attitude on Atak. That was the kind of attitude they needed here, not trepidation or those with weak constitutions. "And don't worry, Vix. I'm well aware defenses will be tight, but this Dame's built just for this...
  7. Dominae Abstergo

    The Star Hounds [Inactive]

    Tazira nodded. "If they're Empire or ICPU, I have no issue with it. All I ask is that you limit your fire to the enemy. I might not have the firmest of moral codes, but I don't particularly like it when we hurt civilians. I know just how hard it is to scrape by under this Empire's rule...
  8. Dominae Abstergo

    The Star Hounds [Inactive]

    "My, my," Tazira said, her face contorted into a smile that did not reach her eyes. "I do hope we won't have to begin any sort of discipline on the first day." Her voice was hard, flat. In it was a sort of coo, the gentleness of her hissed words belying a viciousness underneath that dared...
  9. Dominae Abstergo

    The Star Hounds [Inactive]

    Atak and Tazira entered the docking bay, the full view of the Dame before them. She was a mid-size ship, most of her space devoted to cargo space and hidden holding bays in case they were ever boarded. Unlike the previous editions, this Dame was brand new, sides gleaming and buffed. Apart...
  10. Dominae Abstergo

    The Star Hounds [Inactive]

    Tazira laughed and stood. "Give me a moment," she said. She jumped up onto her table so the entire line could see her. "Sorry, everyone! The Dame's been filled! Thank you all for coming, but it seems we will not be needing your services after all." Grumbling and dissent broke out among...
  11. Dominae Abstergo

    The Star Hounds [Inactive]

    "It's true, technical knowledge is incredibly useful," admitted Tazira. "But too much confidence can get you in a lot of trouble, you might want to reign that in sometimes. Either way, I like your style. For now, I'd have to take everything you say by your word - so tell you what. You come...
  12. Dominae Abstergo

    The Star Hounds [Inactive]

    (Sorry for replying a little late, I was at work!) "Good to hear it," said Tazira. She reached into her coat, then handed Kyren a blue key. Only one left now. It turned out that the trip to Kal's End was worth it after all. It may take her a little longer to trust most of them, but she had...
  13. Dominae Abstergo

    The Star Hounds [Inactive]

    Tazira laughed. It was more of a wheezing hiss, as her reptilian throat had difficulties making the sound. "As the sailors on Mawale say: I like the cut of your skin-sail." She took the dossier, and quickly flipped through the pages, nodding all the while. Tazira's smile widened with each...
  14. Dominae Abstergo

    The Star Hounds [Inactive]

    Tazira glanced at Ignis, then at her First Mate. "To be honest, Savras, my confidence in some things is shaky at best," she said, "But from what I know of Vix, we shouldn't have too much of a problem. And in any case..." She widened her serpentine grin, displaying the rows of long, thin teeth...
  15. Dominae Abstergo

    The Star Hounds [Inactive]

    Tazira nodded. "Very well then. I'll be keeping a close eye, so don't let me down." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a few more of the little keys, separating them in her palm. "For the docking area," Tazira said. She handed one with an orange band to Vex, and passed a blue key...
  16. Dominae Abstergo

    The Star Hounds [Inactive]

    Tazira crossed her arms over her chest. She moved behind her First Mate and Savras, and spoke to the stranger. "I apologize," she said, "For my man's jumping the line. I was waiting for him, but that was not something I would expect you to know." She looked him over, pleased with what she...
  17. Dominae Abstergo

    The Star Hounds [Inactive]

    She shook her head, grinning. "Hey, hey, that's the past. The first dame may be deep in a active volcano on Kinjya-8, and the second might have gotten a bit... completely destroyed in the last excursion, dear Savras, but I sense big thing for us." Tazira sighed at the scanner...
  18. Dominae Abstergo

    The Star Hounds [Inactive]

    Tazira stood. "Well, bite my ass and call me a Kirilii," she teased. She clapped her old friend on the shoulder with a wide grin. "How you holding up nowadays Savras?" It had been far too long since she had seen his big mug. In truth, she was glad he was here, at least there was one person...
  19. Dominae Abstergo

    The Star Hounds [Inactive]

    Tazira raised her brow. She hadn't met this android before, she'd definitely remember his way of speaking. Most of them weren't exactly as... intriguing as this. The few manufactured beings she met were too cold for her liking, and unless they were employed by the ICPU, shunned most violent...
  20. Dominae Abstergo

    The Star Hounds

    Please make sure you are clear with what is acceptable and what is not, which is found in our Roleplay's General information. Positions: First Mate (1/1) Cartographer (1/1) Technicians and/or Navigators (2/2) Medic (1/1) Mercenaries (Filled) IMPORTANT NOTE: The Dame's crew has...