Year: 1899
Location: "Marie Byrd Land", Antarctica (Present-day name for location)
Location name in-RP: New Wilkes, United States of America. The 49th State.
An expedition led by Charles Wilkes in 1838 through 1842 expanded the horizon for American territories. At...
Summary:Alternate history from 1838 onward up until 1899, when the RP will take place. Several countries, including the United States of America (Main focus), Great Britain, and Russia (plus other more minor countries), rush to colonize the plains of Antarctica, settling firstly on the coastline...
Don't really know how to say hello other than the normal way. Hello. I'm TedBruise (or Adam if you want to be really formal). I have been RPing since 2012 or 2013, but these past two years I've hit a snag and haven't been able to do much more than 1 on 1 stuff. I came here for better RP, which I...