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  1. KeyHolder

    Orion [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  2. KeyHolder

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    Hibiki Pidgey sand attack make Golett accuracy reduced, "use shadow punch!" Golett charge up an energy at his right hand, and then rushed toward pidgey to knock him off Aira Aira is wandering arround she seems lost and doesn't know where to go, with Henry is leaving him to his class Aira...
  3. KeyHolder

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    Hibiki Gold is using his pidgey, so Timburr and Mienfoo is a bad choice against it since it was a fighting pokemon. "ok Tiny, i think this is your turn" he throw his pokeball and Golett come from inside it. "use defense curl! focus on your defense then counter him!" Hibiki yelled to his...
  4. KeyHolder

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP

    sorry for my long absent, i have internet problem and i can't open anything at my browser, i try to keep up for now
  5. KeyHolder

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    Hibiki "bring it on Gold! but after they done ok? i dont want to interrupt them battling" Hibiki replied to Gold. He focusing on the pokemon battle and can't take his eyes off from it, he just too excited to do battle with other student. Every student is doing good at this battle it just not...
  6. KeyHolder

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    Hibiki Hibiki was realived that it was not him that being punished to clean the class, but he feel sorry to Gold and the girl. Now he put all his attention for the class so he will not get punished like them, "i better not talk anymore. This stone guy heart as same as his name" he think...
  7. KeyHolder

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP

    everyone do their best for school, and i sit here in front of my computer without even thinking about "study"
  8. KeyHolder

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    Hibiki Hibiki followed Gold to the front of the class, behind the freshman of course. He try not to make an eye contact with professor Stone because he doesn't want to get busted sneaking into the class, so he stand behind a tall student in front of him.
  9. KeyHolder

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    Hibiki Hibiki made it out to enter the class without being noticed by professor stone, but then there was another problem. Gold is sleeping beside him but he can wake him up because Stone is looking every student like an eagle, Gold is lucky he not found out sleeping in the class. "wake up you...
  10. KeyHolder

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    Aira-Sad girl She respond with a low voice "my name is Aira Kuze", she still shaking with fear. "im looking for my brother", she began to shed a tear from her purple eyes. "i want to meet my brother" she said while wiping tear on her face with her sleeve.
  11. KeyHolder

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    Aira-Unknown person An unknown person is approaching her, she was panicked and start runing to the side of the corridor and take a peek from it. She hold on the wall tightly "who are you?" she said with a shy face. @Aroura
  12. KeyHolder

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    Hibiki-Going back to class As soon Hibiki get out from his class professor Stone get in, luckily he not noticed him. But now he thinking how to get back in the class without professor Stone noticing him, it gonna be a difficult one. He walk arround outside the building and from the window he...
  13. KeyHolder

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP

    My name is: Aira Kuze I also go by: Ai I am: 14 If you can't tell I am a: Female I am from: Accumula city,Unova My preferred type: Grass.Psychic.Water People think I'm: Childish but i hate when anyone said that, she especialy hide her true feeling and say opposite with her mind. If...
  14. KeyHolder

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP

    i want to ask something, i want to make one another character but not as student but a sister of mine (Hibiki), like she secretly follow his brother to the Tekitte isle to watch her brother studying and many other pokemon something like that, is this allowed or not?
  15. KeyHolder

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    "i pass" he shrugged, "think about it, what if when we battling the teacher come?". He then flip another page of the magazine,the other student is talking loudly and it make Hibiki uncomfortable. "i gonna take a stroll outside, call me when the teacher come" he said to Gold. Hibiki stood up from...
  16. KeyHolder

    Fandom Fire Emblem: The Closed Book

    Nakamura keep his distance from his enemy and fire a bunch of fireball to the Ulsan soldier, he try to provide some support to Uriah and Lok. But Nakamura doesn't have much war experience so he miss many of his attack and get a little upset, he look to Mayuri and said "can we get any closer? i...
  17. KeyHolder

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    The class is crowded but Professor Stone still not here, Hibiki wonder why he late this is not like him. "well maybe he just using rest room right now". He take a poke magazine from his bag and started to read it while eating more of honey sandwich, the magazine is filled with many pokemon...
  18. KeyHolder

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    Hibiki respond to Gold "well im fine, a bit hungry i guess" then pulled out a airtight container from his bag, inside it is filled with Henry sandwiches. "and now im gonna eat here, i dont like the canteen is too crowded" he said while eat the sandwich, "you want some?"
  19. KeyHolder

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    Hibiki step in the class and look around he seems very curious about his new class. He found Gold allready here and reading a book so he decide to sit next to him, "morning gold! you came earlier today" he smiled. @FadingGold