I want to know other people's methods to understand more how one's method can affect how IC the OC can be, and what makes them OOC. ^_^
I usually start with their physical attributes and just let them develop after I start writing.
But, how do you do it? I've been trying to, but, I'm assuming plainly here that we need the 10 post thing before I could start myself... I'm very clueless with this.
Hey, I'm new here, and, I was wondering if anyone would like to have a role play with me. The theme is supernatural creatures, so, it could be vampires, faes and such. Also, I would love some romance, comedy and a bit of dark themes, such as murder and mysteries.
Um... I also don't know how to...
Hello. ^_^
I'm honestly very new here, so, I easily get flustered. I haven't role played in years and sometimes commit mistakes when I do start. I hope I can learn from other very good role players here. ^_^
Aside from that, I hope I get to role play with people who are also into romance and...
Hello, everyone...um, I'm not really sure how this starts, but, I'm Caeli13 and am new to this site. I've done a bit of RP before but never got into it, so, I wanna check this out. I'm currently twenty-two and am a loli (I'm 4'6" in real life) and I enjoy creating new characters for my stories...