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  1. Eviexe

    Realistic or Modern CLOSED

    Oo interested.
  2. Eviexe

    Fantasy Ballad of Renegades: A High Fantasy tale

    Oo this looks super interesting.
  3. Eviexe

    Realistic or Modern the spirits โ€” open

    Very much interested!
  4. Eviexe

    Futuristic Do Androids Dream of Electric Hearts? OOC

    Thatโ€™s no problem! You have access to the discord link if youโ€™d like (there are a couple of things I need to finish with my own character sheets โ€” so youโ€™re fine to take a few more days to get that sorted)
  5. Eviexe

    Realistic or Modern beneath the waves โ€” the temp. ooc

    Hello!!! Finally made a start and will probably finish over the weekend.
  6. Eviexe

    Realistic or Modern beneath the waves - meet the crew

    wip Name Namefa-user RรฒnanMacbrideiHe/HimPansexualSpyPERSONALITY Rรฒnan personifies the word 'guppy' in every way, from his gestures and unpretentious demeanour to his kind-hearted nature. With a well-intentioned approach, he consistently shows compassion in his interactions with the world and...
  7. Eviexe

    Realistic or Modern beneath the waves โ€” the temp. ooc

    Spies, the cook and the surgeon are for sure on my radar at the moment. but spies is such a fun concept and all the potential for crew drama โ€” itโ€™s very hard for me not to apply for it. ๐Ÿ˜†
  8. Eviexe

    Realistic or Modern beneath the waves โ€” pirates โ€” open!

    oo definitely gonna throw my hat into the ring, for spy or some other role, this looks really interesting.
  9. Eviexe

    Futuristic Do Androids Dream of Electric Hearts? OOC

    Hey everyone, just a reminder that our deadline is February 24th. If you need an extension, please reach out to me and there is no problem granting that! And itโ€™s also fine if you need to drop out, life comes first and I wouldnโ€™t expect anyone to put this rp first.
  10. Eviexe

    Fandom hunt for a halfblood

    coded by uxie! fonts used: header subheader/body text to replace fonts, add/replace them here, and then in the variables below under *fonts; check uxie's tech support in nine lives for more details ( โ€พฬ โ—ก โ€พฬ ) ----left---- ----details page---- ----sidebar...
  11. Eviexe


    wip. LilahTHERAPIST25HerPansexualCyberlife Androidsome major here6'1Dark Brown Hair + EyesANDROID NUMBERBased on the template of the GJ200, Lilahโ€™s creation was more than to stimulate friendship or human connection. But to proactively listen and help humans with the difficulty of a rapidly...
  12. Eviexe

    Futuristic Do Androids Dream of Electric Hearts? OOC

    Thanks to everyone whoโ€™s submitted thus far! Completed sheets will be looked at tonight and tomorrow. <3
  13. Eviexe

    Futuristic Do Androids Dream of Electric Hearts? OOC

    I really like that idea of character!! It serves as a good foundation for a character, and the inclusion of cyber-life employees would add variety to our roster. (believing in the sentience in androids) We truly want to make this story our own with original characters, and adapt our own...
  14. Eviexe

    Futuristic DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF ELECTRIC HEARTS? (Detroit Become Human inspired RP)

    Helloooo! I want to express my gratitude to everyone who has shown interest; I look forward to writing to you all and seeing what characters you develop. @Sludge @withinasapphire @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @CapellaStargaze @SavannahSmiles @Specialist @elie @Kaesung CS: LINK TO CHARACTER SHEET OOC...