Search results for query: *

  1. MaskedCat

    Fantasy The Trail We Blaze (Masked&Michi)

    Mihill felt very tempted to hit the ignorant dragon with the now torn book. But he restrained himself from doing that. He really didn't need to get into a messy fight with the dragon who was still recovering from the treatment he got from those stuck-up soldiers. He also didn't need to be kicked...
  2. MaskedCat

    Fantasy The Trail We Blaze (Masked&Michi)

    Mihill smiled as he watched the dragon examine the book like it was some type of foreign object. Which it actually was. Lazial had stared at a book nearly the same way except he stared at the book with more fascination than the dragon before him. The dragon looked almost calculating as that gaze...
  3. MaskedCat

    Fantasy The Trail We Blaze (Masked&Michi)

    Mihill frowned in thought, "Uh...I don't know," he admitted. "I'm no writer myself, but I believe that the author of the book decides which genre fits the book best and then publishes it as so." He is a reader, not a writer. Just because he had a fondness for reading did not mean that he also...
  4. MaskedCat

    Unfortunately, I require sleep XD

    Unfortunately, I require sleep XD
  5. MaskedCat

    Fantasy The Trail We Blaze (Masked&Michi)

    Mihill felt puzzled by the smile that grew on the dragon's face. The other looked like he had come up with some wicked plan though he was just explaining what the book was. He didn't understand why the dragon looked so smug just because Mihill told him about genres for books and such. Was that...
  6. MaskedCat

    Fandom Looking for MxM Fandom Partner! (Updated 08/05/17)

    Bump for new pairing~
  7. MaskedCat

    Fantasy Looking for MxM Partner! (Updated 08/05/17)

    Bump for new pairing~
  8. MaskedCat

    Fantasy The Trail We Blaze (Masked&Michi)

    Mihill was a bit surprised that the dragon still seemed interested in the subject of books. He himself loved books due to the vast realities that the stories spun, but he did not know that the dragon would also be interested. He knew that most dragons could not read their language and therefore...
  9. MaskedCat

    Fantasy The Trail We Blaze (Masked&Michi)

    Mihill had heard the dragon cough the first time but chose to ignore him. He was just getting to the good part in the book and he just wanted to get through it. Unfortunately, it seemed like he wouldn't be able to ignore the dragon for he then asked him a question. He looked up in his surprise...
  10. MaskedCat

    Fantasy The Trail We Blaze (Masked&Michi)

    Mihill spent the next few days in the clinic with his dragon who always made it clear that his presence wasn't appreciated. He always just shrugged and continued reading whatever book he brought with him as he stayed seated next to the bed his assigned partner was confined to. This sure beat...
  11. MaskedCat

    Fandom Looking for MxM Fandom Partner! (Updated 08/05/17)

    Bump for new pairing~
  12. MaskedCat

    Fantasy Looking for MxM Partner! (Updated 08/05/17)

    Bump for new pairing~
  13. MaskedCat

    Fantasy The Trail We Blaze (Masked&Michi)

    Mihill merely huffed at what the dragon said for it was sort of true. He did stay longer even if the dragon did not like it for two reasons. Firstly, because they were assigned to each other whether he liked it or not. And secondly, he honestly had nothing better to do with his time then to...
  14. MaskedCat

    Fantasy The Trail We Blaze (Masked&Michi)

    Mihill just shrugged in response. He could appreciate some alone time, however, the dragon did not have the luxury of being alone. It was either him or less than pleasant people. And he wasn't willing to leave the dragon just yet. There was no telling what the dragon might do now that he was in...
  15. MaskedCat

    Fantasy Looking for MxM Partner! (Updated 08/05/17)

    Bump for new pairing~
  16. MaskedCat

    Fantasy The Trail We Blaze (Masked&Michi)

    "And I don't want to be here with you," Mihill automatically shot back with narrowed eyes. To him, being in the clinic was just really depressing. Even if the facility was meant to heal people, it still did not stop some people from dying. He was a tad bit worried that his assigned partner might...
  17. MaskedCat

    Fantasy The Trail We Blaze (Masked&Michi)

    Mihill felt both amused and annoyed at what the dragon said. It amused him to see him so defensive and stubborn despite being stuck in the clinic. However, it was that same stubbornness that annoyed him since it wouldn't kill the dragon to accept help. Though the dragon certainly seemed to think...
  18. MaskedCat

    Fantasy The Trail We Blaze (Masked&Michi)

    Mihill rolled his eyes when his assigned partner was obviously less than pleased to see him. How touching. At least the dragon wasn't trying to punch a hole through him or anything now that he was in his human form. Escape should be much easier now that he could actually fit through doors and...
  19. MaskedCat

    Fantasy The Trail We Blaze (Masked&Michi)

    "Don't look so surprised," Mihill shook his head with a small snort. "That dragon is very stubborn and prideful. I'm honestly surprised he hasn't made a snack out of me yet." They both got on each other's nerves too which added to that surprise. He wasn't foolish or stupid enough to think that...
  20. MaskedCat

    Fandom The Bright Side (redletalis x MasketCat)

    Shimei blinked at what the ANBU said next. Other people always commented on how he wore his emotions on his sleeves so it did not surprise him to hear the ANBU say the same thing. Ieyoshi loved to tease him about how he was a horrible liar due to that even if that was only partially true. Shimei...