Name: Scipios Uranos
Age: 86
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Male
Personality: Scipios Uranos Was appointed Chief Guardian of the Hollow Portal Guards following long years of serving the royality of the country, as such discipline and coldness has been engrained in to his brain. He is...
Alright, shooting in my questions:
-You said that the world already has a huge amount of story built up do we need to go and read those? if not, will they just untangle during the RP?
-Can my character be a sort of ''portal master'' of the hollow, responsible for guarding the portals during...
Would it not be wierd for mercaneries to even own a fort then? Why would any land owner let them build one if they can just turn on them? Unless they have some kind of treaty that prevents the mercaneries from joining the oposing side of the land owners.
Name: Cordan’ Feredico
Age: 27
Gender: male
Nation: Gisal (He operates from here, but he is completely neutral in order to gain as much business as possible)
Role: Mercenary commander.
Overall personality: A soldier in appearance, businessman in heart. Loves alcohol His love for...
Are the borders and lore set in stone? If not can the mercenary clan i run be a semi-autonomous duchy within the north of kingdom (or empire) of Gisal?