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  1. Blueblackandviolet

    When The Sky Darkens...

    (Scura) N a m e : Anastasia Riverton ☀ A g e : 16 ☀ G e n d e r : Female ☀ A p p e a r a n c e: P e r s o n a l i t y : Anastasia can be rude, outspoken, cold, sarcastic and stubborn. Her trust is incredibly hard to earn, but once you do, she’s incredibly loyal. She’s learnt...
  2. Blueblackandviolet

    Yay Australians! :D

    Yay Australians! :D
  3. Blueblackandviolet

    Prince x Princess Love story [Inactive]

    Sure, I'd love to give it a go :) I'm new and still figuring things out, so apologies if I make some mistakes or anything ;D
  4. Blueblackandviolet

    When The Sky Darkens...

    Would I be able to join? :D
  5. Blueblackandviolet

    Little nervous!

    Hahaha, Blave actually sounds kinda cool! And thank you, that's very nice of you :)
  6. Blueblackandviolet

    Fairy Tale Guardians

    Sounds good! And judging by the look of it, I'll definitely need walking through it.. Seems like a cool idea though :D Thanks :)
  7. Blueblackandviolet

    Fairy Tale Guardians

    Hey, I'm new to this site, and this rp sounds really interesting. I would love to join once you get it up and running, though I might need a little guidance if that's ok :)
  8. Blueblackandviolet

    Little nervous!

    I'll do my best :D
  9. Blueblackandviolet

    Heavens Choice and the Divine Infinity

    Hey, I'm new, and your rp idea sounds really cool. I'd love to do it with you, and like you, I don't know how some things work. I'm learning, but have some experience on other sites
  10. Blueblackandviolet

    Little nervous!

    @ninbinz thank you! I'm having a bit of an explore now, this site is pretty cool!
  11. Blueblackandviolet

    Little nervous!

    Hey, guys! I'm kinda new here, as you can probably already tell. I like fantasy rps, and some fandom stuff too, I'm just a bit overwhelmed by all the threads and people on here. If you want a member for anything, please tell me :)