Kai chuckled at the Blaziken. "You're able to mega evolve because you species is able to mega evolve," he confidently said. "If my species had a mega stone of our own, I'd easily be able to mega evolve. Especially since my trainer is amazing at what he does." Kai smirked at the thought of being...
"Wow, she's from the Alola region," Ty mused. "No wonder she's showing a lot of skin." Ty laughed a little and scratched the back of his head, "Nah, I was born and raised here in Telios. Lived here my entire life." He then looks at Kai and pets his furry head. "I've heard amazing things about...
If this was your typical anime, Ty's eyes would've had hearts in them. He was going to answer the girl's question about Kai, he was even going to tell her how nice his partner was. But he couldn't right now. He couldn't even say anything about the girl who left with her lucario. Ty's eyes were...
"I guess we came here at the wrong time," Ty said to his pokemon that were walking beside him. After getting their fifth gym badge and fighting countless trainers on their journey for their sixth badge, Ty and his pokemon headed to Cypress city to challenge the famous ghost type gym. However, to...
Name: Tyriqe-Jahmal McKnight
Aliases: Goes by either part of his first name. Also goes by "Ty" or "Jay"
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
High Concept: The harder he works, the more rewarding the outcome is.
Relatives: Tbr
Appearance: 6...
Name: Rowen
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Fusion: Gallade, Scizor, Aegislash
Personality: Loyal, Kind, Courageous, Hot Headed, Just, flirtatious
Backstory: Trained to serve the king since he was young, Rowan is the youngest knight the kingdom has ever had. He has been recently tasked...