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  • Users: Siena
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  1. Siena

    Lose yourself not in darkness, but blind yourself in light.

    Lose yourself not in darkness, but blind yourself in light.
  2. Siena

    Fandom A Study in Steel

    The thrum of annoyance was a familiar presence in Jane's veins; indeed, the doctor had been dealing with an increasing frequency of it since early that morning. It was unfortunate, then, that her new neighbor had to go and make it worse with his careless words. Fingers tightening and lips...
  3. Siena

    Fandom A Study in Steel

    A Study in Steel Case One 221 Baker Street, London, England 2049 AD Time was a peculiar entity. Never stopping, never moving faster than its established pace, it could render people mad with its trudging toil and pass everyone by within the blink of an eye. In many ways, the city had come to...
  4. Siena

    Fantasy The Partner Hunt (Ignore Prefix; Always Looking)

    Awesome! I'll shoot a message your way and we can discuss ideas from there.
  5. Siena

    Fantasy The Partner Hunt (Ignore Prefix; Always Looking)

    THE PARTNER HUNT Plots and Ideas Galore Hello, and welcome to my corner of RPN. I'm a third year university student with an ever-active imagination and a craving for writing I can't seem to itch. If you're looking to ease your boredom, delve into a world of creation, or exercise your muse, I...
  6. Siena

    Fantasy The Guild's Common Room

    Bah! Sorry for the lack of activity. I caught the flu Sunday and aside from classes, homework, and forced meals I've been spending my time asleep. My health is on the up and up however - so I'll be set from here on out.
  7. Siena

    Fantasy Les Chevaliers des Fleurs

    Interactions: @Lady_Feonis_of_Fairhaven @Jean Otus @Nellas Eledhwen Alis's lips quirked at Knight Bramble's actions, amusement dancing behind the stormy grey of her eyes. Familiarity with one's companions was essential to survival on a mission such as this, yes, but the blonde couldn't help...
  8. Siena

    Fantasy The Guild's Common Room

    I'll work on having a post up tonight as well.
  9. Siena

    There is something to be appreciated in fear - for it is fear and its counterparts that remind...

    There is something to be appreciated in fear - for it is fear and its counterparts that remind us of what it means to treasure what we have.
  10. Siena

    Fantasy Les Chevaliers des Fleurs

    Interactions: @Lady_Feonis_of_Fairhaven Anticipation churned in Alis's gut like a storm, a heady mix of nervous energy that seeped through her veins and left her skin alight with imaginary currents of electricity. It was heavy, exhilarating. Her thumb pressed against the flesh of her lower...
  11. Siena

    Fantasy The Guild's Common Room

    Probably won't have a post up tonight, but I'll aim for one in the morning.
  12. Siena

    Fantasy The Guild's Common Room

    Course! Just let me know. ^^
  13. Siena

    Fantasy The Guild's Common Room

    Despite my lack of posts on here, I've been working with BBCodes for a few RP ideas of mine in my Private Workshop for a while.~ I can help you with some in the future if you want.
  14. Siena

    Fantasy The Guild's Roster (Les Chevaliers des Fleurs)

    KNIGHT ASTER Name: Alis Lucita Cuevas Age: 21 years Gender: Female Knight's Title: Knight Aster Appearance: Wiry and lithe, Alis is known for the sharp cheekbones, strong jawline, and pert nose that mark the angles of her face. With long legs and her father's height, she stands above the...
  15. Siena

    Fantasy The Guild's Common Room

    I should have my CS up tomorrow - a few things popped up tonight and I was unable to finish it.
  16. Siena

    Fantasy Les Chevaliers des Fleurs

    Color me intrigued.~
  17. Siena

    The King

    Haha, well! Here's a warm welcome - and shout of cheer! - from one RP returnee to another. I've been buzzing around this site myself, though I've yet to take the initiative and start up any games since my joining. May your idea find the progress and aid you desire! (I know how arduous they can be.)
  18. Siena

    A challenger appears!

    I feel out of place coming in and commenting after the longer standing members above me, but hey - it's all about diversity, right? Truth be told, I've been a bit of a lurker on this site myself. I understand where you're coming from (although, I can't say I've RP'd on Roblox; my off-site...
  19. Siena

    Make a story, one word at a time.

  20. Siena

    Fantasy Warrior cats An Overgrown Clan

    Warrior Cats? A seemingly apocalyptic city? Color me intrigued! No ands, ifs, or buts about it: I'm interested. If you want help working out setting specifics, my brain is willing to be lent. 