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  1. Clumsy Ninja

    Just for Ninjas! [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  2. Clumsy Ninja

    A New Life [Inactive]

    "Sage," he gets up without his help and wipes off his face, "It's Sage," and picking up his Bo staff, he leans on it to dust himself off, "Look, there's three reasons why he didn't run off with me. One, he's smarter than he looks. Two, it's in the daytime, and three, the place is busy this time...
  3. Clumsy Ninja

    A New Life [Inactive]

    Becoming fustrated with the diplomacy, he starts to fiddle with words until he heard those last two sentences. He smirks. "I'll tell you what'e did wrong. He messed with me... But you won't find that as a good enough reason." He lets go of Sage, shoving him to the dusty ground, "Unfair to coax...
  4. Clumsy Ninja

    A New Life [Inactive]

    "Wha-? Sh-Sh-Shut up!" the man shouts, holding Sage tighter. Sage, not being able to breathe, begins tearing at the man's arm to try and loosen his grip, "I don't know what you're trying to pull, but I'm leaving with this kid! You gotta fight for this one, punk!" and he starts dragging Sage off...
  5. Clumsy Ninja

    A New Life [Inactive]

    Three men walked towards them, they had swords hidden behind their backs. They looked rugged, but determined. "Where'd the boy go? The one that just ran off?" the one in front asked, pointing to the man in the black cloak. The others behind him began to unsheath their swords when Sage dropped...
  6. Clumsy Ninja

    A New Life [Inactive]

    "Uhhhh," Sage stopped to look at the man; he had no idea what he was talking about. Since he was one of the locals, he never used the bank to store his money away, "Sorry, I don't know." Suddenly, Sage stares not at the man, but what's behind him, and backs up, soon running behind the building...
  7. Clumsy Ninja

    GAMO Children [Inactive]

    "I'm pretty sure he was in a commerce business," Kira heaved an annoyed sigh. She was the other adult of the house and she didn't even pay attention.
  8. Clumsy Ninja

    A New Life [Inactive]

    Sage's hand fell to his side when he saw the other girls, and he waved pleasantly, "Hello," he began, then turned back to Jon, "So, what clan have you come from? I've never seen your people before. Are you all lost?"
  9. Clumsy Ninja

    GAMO Children [Inactive]

    "Anything coming up?" Kira asked curiously.
  10. Clumsy Ninja

    GAMO Children [Inactive]

    "You guys tell me. I'm not used to the computer stuff," Kira shrugged, before replying to Hex's suggestion, "Where'd you get that one from? Your phone?"
  11. Clumsy Ninja

    GAMO Children [Inactive]

    "Gamo?" Kira repeated, "Never heard of that. Could we look it up?"
  12. Clumsy Ninja

    GAMO Children [Inactive]

    "Esther, sis..." Kira went back over to her, sitting next to and hugging her, "I'll do whatever I can to help out. He's our family, too."
  13. Clumsy Ninja

    GAMO Children [Inactive]

    As Kira listened, she grew stiffer and stiffer. She didn't want to believe it, but Esther was right. "Well, what do you want us to do?" she said after the message ended.
  14. Clumsy Ninja

    GAMO Children [Inactive]

    "Jesus..." Kira walked over and picked her little brother up, "Take it easy, Hex, Father isn't in trouble."
  15. Clumsy Ninja

    GAMO Children [Inactive]

    Kira was taken aback, "How can he be in trouble? He's on a business trip." she slowly removed Esther's hand from the wall.
  16. Clumsy Ninja

    GAMO Children [Inactive]

    "Move, move," Kira was already behind him, slipping between him and the doorframe and going up to Esther. She bent down to her, since she was taller, "What happened, Est? Who was that?"
  17. Clumsy Ninja

    GAMO Children [Inactive]

    "The hell?!" Kira looked up to the second floor before jogging up there to see what was going on.
  18. Clumsy Ninja

    GAMO Children [Inactive]

    "Hey, Hex," Kira ruffled his hair, patted Esther's head, then sighed, "Make sure you guys do your homework first, okay?" and walked back into the kitchen.
  19. Clumsy Ninja

    GAMO Children [Inactive]

    Kira was washing the dishes in the sink sadly. Father said he was going on that business trip, but he wasn't back yet, and that worried her. As much as she appreciated Father going out of his way to provide, she wanted to also. But no, instead she was stuck at home, acting like the mother of the...
  20. Clumsy Ninja

    GAMO Children

    No, no, it's okay. I have it, I just can't paste it yet because I'm on the iPad.