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  1. 9Clockwork

    Realistic or Modern Okkulten Wald

    Arkady lay flat on his bed, facedown, hips and stomach resting on his pack, presumably so nobody would steal it. In his arms was his submachine gun, unloaded however the bayonet was still attached, for some odd reason. His face was pressed against the receiver like a pillow, despite there being...
  2. 9Clockwork

    Realistic or Modern Okkulten Wald CS

    Name: Arkady Alesnarovich Age: 19 Gender: Male Nationality: Soviet Designation: Military  Rank: Junior Sergeant  Appearance: Despite wearing a full face balaclava most of the time, Arkady does take it off on occasion. His features look young, early twenties at best, with dark circles under...
  3. 9Clockwork

    World Building Dark Fantasy World-Building

    I don't think that's necessarily fair, many nobles during our real timeline were competent fighters, and id assume that would carry over here.
  4. 9Clockwork

    Realistic or Modern Okkulten Wald

    Just like old times? I'm interested.
  5. 9Clockwork

    Would you marry the avatar above you?

  6. 9Clockwork

    Any Battlefield 1 Players Out There?

    Send you an FR, bud.
  7. 9Clockwork

    Is Titanfall 2 Worth It?

    It's a solid game that has a few hours of a learning curve. Don't listen to this guy. Run Cloak/Volt or Cloak/EVA8. Get electric smoke once you have a chance. It's the only thing that works.
  8. 9Clockwork

    Game Openers.

    Probably the Battlefield 1 "Storm of Steel" first mission. Absolutely fantastic opener. :
  9. 9Clockwork

    Any Battlefield 1 Players Out There?

    Origin: AustrianAssault
  10. 9Clockwork

    Person Place or Thing

    Hi, My name is Clockwork, I've been roleplaying for like... 5 years? Weird thought. I used to be on groupie way back in the day, and on various other sites beforehand. More recently, I've been doing it in some games, other mobile apps. Hope to see you guys in the threads!