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  1. Icarusleopard

    Demi-Fiend/Naoki Kashima

    Name (Who are they?): Naoki Kashima Nickname (What do people call them?)(If applicable): Demi-Fiend Age (How many years have they been alive?): Eighteen Gender (Boy, Girl, Etc): Male Sexuality (What gender do they like?)(Why do people always put this here?... Eh... I'm...
  2. Icarusleopard

    Fandom Mysterious World of Fandom

    Ha, I have yet to play DDS but it's on my list. May I have a recap of what's happening?
  3. Icarusleopard

    Shin Megami Tensei, Persona, Devil Survivor, ETC, chat/plotting thread.

    Hello, this is a thread to just discuss all things SMT.  Yeah, that's basically it.  So anyone getting SMT 4 Apocalypse and/or Persona 5?
  4. Icarusleopard

    Fandom Pokemon Cloaked

    Name:  Tracy Age: 23 Card: About pokemon Serperior Ability: Contrary Item: Life orb Moves: Leaf Storm Hidden Power Fire Dragon Pulse Taunt Breloom Item: Toxic Orb   Ability: Poison Heal   Moves - Mach Punch  - Facade   -...
  5. Icarusleopard

    Fandom Mysterious World of Fandom

    Appearance (What they look like)(Description or Image (Image Preferred)): I Name (Who are they?): Naoki Kashima Nickname (What do people call them?)(If applicable): Demi-Fiend Age (How many years have they been alive?): Eighteen Gender (Boy, Girl, Etc): Male...
  6. Icarusleopard

    Anybody here play Smash?

    Hello! I play Sm4sh. I main Ness and I secondary, Robin, Corrin, Pit, Toon Link, Lucas, and Villager. I managed to get into the top 12 in a tournament that had 80+ people in it. I was one battle away from battling on the big screen.  