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  1. Eir Mae'Vir

    The Forgotten Realms - Neverwinter [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  2. Eir Mae'Vir

    The Forgotten Realms - Neverwinter

    Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs! Read more about this role play...Please excuse my horrible starter, I haven't been roleplaying in months, and I never was too good to begin with :/ I'm hoping to get back into it and improve as the roleplay progresses (if it does).
  3. Eir Mae'Vir

    The Forgotten Realms - Neverwinter [Inactive]

    Eir Mae'Vir submitted a new role play: The Forgotten Realms - Neverwinter - The city of Neverwinter, Read more about this role play...The great city of neverwinter, recently rebuilt to its former glory after the Wailing Death. Its population has almost reaches its former peak, and life has...
  4. Eir Mae'Vir

    The Forgotten Realms - Neverwinter

    Character signup for this roleplay should contain the following: Full name Title (optional) Race Age Approx. size Weaponry Magical or non-magical abilities Brief physical appearance Please restrict the race of your character to races that exist int he D&D universe. Copying...
  5. Eir Mae'Vir

    Intro post for Eir Mae'Vir

    Thank you! I've already noticed how friendly people here are! Love the gif ;P Thank you as well, I look forward to it!
  6. Eir Mae'Vir

    Intro post for Eir Mae'Vir

    Thank you very much, Luna! I appreciate the welcome (And the cake)!
  7. Eir Mae'Vir

    Intro post for Eir Mae'Vir

    I do hope I will! Thank you for the welcome!
  8. Eir Mae'Vir

    Intro post for Eir Mae'Vir

    Many thanks! I'll certainly give the shoutbox a shot!
  9. Eir Mae'Vir

    Intro post for Eir Mae'Vir

    Hello all, I'm obviously new at this site and I'm looking to gain some roleplay experience! During the past year I have experienced a lack of motivation, and figured it might be a good idea to expand the pool in which I fish for roleplays. So here I am! I have no clue where I'd rank on the...