Search results for query: *

  1. Child of the winds

    A mysterious figure appears out of the wind...

    Yeah. I dont mind tho :P Thanks, all of you.
  2. Child of the winds

    Fantasy Character Registration

    (Yeah, bur since he is good I doubt if it will bw happening often..)
  3. Child of the winds

    Fantasy Character Registration

    Name: Kyle Nickname(If Applies): None Age: Kyle looks like he is 16, but is 50 in reality. Gender: Male Sexual Orientation: Straight Good or Evil or Neutral: Good, but has done some dark things in the past. Not because he wanted to do them, however. Where you live (House, dorm...
  4. Child of the winds

    Fantasy Out Of Character Chat.

    Probably going to join this soon :)
  5. Child of the winds

    A mysterious figure appears out of the wind...

    I see. Sure in comparisment to the other forum I know. But the only thing is that I'm not really liking how XenForo works. It feels a bit uneasy for me to rp with it. but I know how bbcode and such works though, so that'll be all right. I already searched for some roleplays, but haven't found...
  6. Child of the winds

    A mysterious figure appears out of the wind...

    Could you rephrase that please? ^-^ , I'm getting slightly confused by that sentence.
  7. Child of the winds

    A mysterious figure appears out of the wind...

    Hey guys, I am new here, coming from a small forum where we roleplay. Since a short time ago, a friend of mine joined this forum and told me about it, which is why I'm here. I hope it'll be fun here too (^U^)