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  1. maddiemoo

    Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

    Ayla gracefully appeared upon the school grounds, fluttering to a halt and gently placing her feet to the ground. She pulled her wings in and held her textbook against her chest. She was nervous, watching the others of the school interact and bond. She had never really been around so many who...
  2. maddiemoo

    Fantasy Character Registration

    Name: Ayla Harper Nickname(If Applies): N/A Age: 58 (Looks 16) Gender: Female Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral Where you live: Apartment What Year of highschool your in: Sophomore What kind of being you are: Human/Angel Powers/gifts: -...
  3. maddiemoo

    Fandom Inuyasha Roleplay

    The soulless body of the Priestess known as Kikyo had been traveling for some time with nothing but her spirit takers. They swirled around her, making small noises and pushing souls into her clay made body. She was indifferent to these actions; she had needed these souls to continue her life on...
  4. maddiemoo

    Fandom Inuyasha Roleplay

    Inuyasha - OPEN Kagome - OPEN Sango - OPEN Miroku - OPEN Shippo - OPEN Kaede - OPEN Kikyo - maddiemoo Naraku - OPEN Koga - OPEN Sesshomaru - OPEN Rin - OPEN You can apply for other canon side characters as well! This list is just what characters I remember off the top of my...
  5. maddiemoo

    Fandom Inuyasha Roleplay

    Here is where you ask questions, post information, and give your opinions on the roleplay happening in the main tab!
  6. maddiemoo

    Fandom Inuyasha Roleplay

    Character Application for Inuyasha Roleplay: What Character are you applying for? (Original Character or Canon Character? If Canon, which?) Name: Age: Species: Gender: Occupation: Strengths: Weaknesses: Roleplay Example: Background Information (for OC's): Goal for Character:
  7. maddiemoo

    Fandom Inuyasha Roleplay

    Starting Scenario: (The Shikon Jewel shards are still scattered throughout the feudal era as far as this role-play goes!) The Goddess of the Moon, Tsukiyomi, had eerily been watching the Earth and its inhabitants for centuries now. She would often be seen surrounded in a pale light, her...
  8. maddiemoo


    Hey, my name is Madison, and I've recently decided to make an account here. I have had role-play experience on other sites though, and I hope to have fun and find some amazing role-play opportunities. (<3)