Search results for query: *

  1. ScarletStiletto

    Fire and Blood

    Fire and Blood
  2. ScarletStiletto

    Looking for a M x F Partner

    i can do: demon x human demon x angel angel x human (posted a thread about demon romance/adventure as example. also has deep background story) pm me :)
  3. ScarletStiletto

    RP partner needed

    active reply once or twice a day definitely interested :)
  4. ScarletStiletto

    looking for partners!

    hands down im into an borderlands rp :)
  5. ScarletStiletto

    Always open!!! COME ONE COME ALL!!

    i can do demon x human if youd like :) i opened a thread with just that idea if not, any other adventurous romantic rp with ocs will do as well. i can reply once or twice a day and really don't care about gender. i can do m or f or neither ^^
  6. ScarletStiletto

    need a partner

    im interested ^^i can also do male female w/e floats your boat :) )
  7. ScarletStiletto


    pm me :) im really open about any fantasy rp for an example i have opened a thread so you can get an idea about how im writing or even join in ^^ i can reply once or twice a day, play up to 3 people and am open to any gender ✌
  8. ScarletStiletto

    Legend of the crystel Phoenix (1x1 rp request)

    Hello there im also pretty new here. more likely i have done this before but it was a while ago im able to reply once or twice a day (work duh) so ill stay active :) your plot sounds interesting and would very much want to rp. If you're interested in what i have already written pm me and...
  9. ScarletStiletto

    One x One [OPEN] HAVOC - The Fate that binds us

    @ScarletStiletto, please edit this post to include any OOC information.
  10. ScarletStiletto

    One x One [OPEN] HAVOC - The Fate that binds us

    @ScarletStiletto, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.
  11. ScarletStiletto

    [CLOSED] HAVOC - The Fate that binds us

    [preferably female Oc] [2-3 people] [in Advance, Apologies for some grammar mistakes . Im german and haven't done this in a while.Come join me ^-^] .. As he slowly crept forward wounded and bloody, a young man trembled beneath its pain. just..a little longer.. I must.. He made it out...
  12. ScarletStiletto

    One on one idea

    hello there :) i kinda have a similar story the only difference is that i have a demon prince who escaped his realm (Basically Hell but based on Dante's Inferno, his home being the circle of luxuria) during a war of the highborn houses in Hell. His sister stayed became queen(since in their...
  13. ScarletStiletto

    Make up as we go n_n

    hey :3 me too! open for some oc x oc?
  14. ScarletStiletto

    Looking For A Partner

    I can do fantasy with oc x oc if you'd like :)
  15. ScarletStiletto

    Looking For A Partner

    I can do fantasy with oc x oc if you'd like :)
  16. ScarletStiletto

    Searching for Role-Playing buddies! (Always open!)

    Hey there! I would be interested in an pokemon rp and/or sci fi/fantasy rp with OCs so im open ✌
  17. ScarletStiletto

    New member here..

    thank you i'll make sure to come around ^-^ i forgot to say that ive also hung around deviantart (thats why i went to because I also draw my characters/sequences from an rp) :D
  18. ScarletStiletto

    New member here..

    so yeah hi everybody! man its been a long time since i last rp'd and got really rusty but! I wanted to pick it up again with even more fun and creativity ^-^ so yeah last time i rp'd was on skype and long ago. Im open for any fantasy/sci fi/pokemon rp either it's in a group or...