Search results for query: *

  1. Absolute Bias

    RP Section

    @The Unamed Beast "Oh boy, here comes your entire life story." Atlas says, rolling his eyes yet again. "I assume you would want me to say no. Well, i'ma say yes to it. An Abomination, as you put it, is bad. The name alone kind of gives their purpose away."
  2. Absolute Bias

    RP Section

    @The Unamed Beast "My name will never be off those lists." The elf spoke, mocking the girl. "Spare your breath, i've heard the same story a thousand times over." He'd ignore the coins flying towards him, letting them all fall to the ground. Atlas would raise a hand, using it to block out the...
  3. Absolute Bias

    RP Section

    "It ain't much of a secret now though, eh?" Atlas looked on, watching the girl destroy his gold. "Think of it this way though. If you can help me raid a docked airship, i'll be in debt. It will not be too hard to get someone to clear you of the many lists that your name happens to be on...
  4. Absolute Bias

    RP Section

    @The Unamed Beast (tfw you sleep in until 3.) Atlas would turn in an instant to face the girl after hearing her self proclaimed title. He'd catch up rather quickly to the girl, grabbing her by the arm in the same fashion that she did to the guard not too earlier. "Excuse me, but did you...
  5. Absolute Bias

    RP Section

    @The Unamed Beast "I could have handled the guard, obviously. You did not save me." The elf's coin purse sits on the left side of his waist, opposite of where his sword is. "You'd be destroying some random Kykdren's gold, not mine." Atlas would reach to un-clip the bag that held his gold...
  6. Absolute Bias

    RP Section

    @The Unamed Beast "Your old man? Do I loo-" He would be cut off as the girl pushed him into a nearby wall, only to continue a moment later. "I can obviously see that you don't care about dying, either." Atlas would roll his eyes, looking towards a passing group instead of at the girl. "What...
  7. Absolute Bias

    RP Section

    @The Unamed Beast (My bad on the late response.) Atlas and the guard were about to duke it out, both of them ready to kill at a moments notice over something as small as the argument. The two only stopped as a girl stepped in from the crowd, grabbing the guard's arm. The elf would look on in...
  8. Absolute Bias

    Steamworld OOC

    My character is open for situations, if you read my post on page 3. Location is stated as well.
  9. Absolute Bias

    RP Section

    Atlas Oladan A loud crash could be heard through the less populated area of the Putfim market, a scream following a moment afterwords. The noise would sound as if someone had just knocked over a rather large pile of pots and pans. Atlas would be the cause of such noises, as he had not in fact...