Search results for query: *

  1. Ephemerality

    "Introducing Me" by Joe Jonas

    It's nice to meet you, Spectro! (haha true! i usually play khajiit ono) I have, and I'm so happy to say I feel right at home; thank you! :) )
  2. Ephemerality


    I think I read the first and last book of the main series, but I get what you're saying. Now, I have a cooouuuuple questions. Number one: About the parents, should I make up some couple or should I ask someone if I can be their kid(lmao never thought i'd say that)? And secondly, (and lastly): Do...
  3. Ephemerality

    Dragon's Heart RP Pre RN Update - OOC

    Do I post it here? :o
  4. Ephemerality


    Oh, sorry! I can't, seeing as I made my account only a couple hours ago. Is there some other way we could talk?
  5. Ephemerality


    Oh, it's okay! In that case, is it okay if we post our characters while we wait for the next arc? :o
  6. Ephemerality

    Dragon's Heart RP Pre RN Update - OOC

    Hi, everyone! I was wondering if this RP is currently accepting and, if it is, could I join? :)
  7. Ephemerality


    Aw, thank you, I feel welcomed already. Can't wait to start! ^^
  8. Ephemerality

    "Introducing Me" by Joe Jonas

    ooh wow a comment would ya look @ that
  9. Ephemerality

    "Introducing Me" by Joe Jonas

    Hey, everyone! (if the joe thing got you, i apologize) I found this website in my google search for a website to roleplay (role-play? who knows?) and boy, am I glad I did. For the longest time, the sites I was on were all kissed by the inactivity fairy. Which really sucked! Until I found this...
  10. Ephemerality


    Hi! I was looking to join this RP too, should I wait until next week too? :)