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  1. Marshall Lee

    Adventure Time [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  2. Marshall Lee

    Adventure Time (Actual RP)

    Andrea sighs at she knocks on Alexander's front door. "Alex!!!" Her voice was cheerful and energetic. Alex slowly floated out of bed and opened the door. "Hey.." He groaned slightly. Andrea giggled. "Silly boy.. are you gonna get dressed so we can leave?" She asked, arching an eyebrow slightly...
  3. Marshall Lee

    Adventure Time [Inactive]

    [ ] here's the link.
  4. Marshall Lee

    Adventure Time (Actual RP)

    •Swearing is allowed, but not in ever sentence. •Keep it PG-13... if it gets crazy intense.. fade to black •Be mature. •Be respectful •Minimum post is three lines. Use detail. •Have fun! :D If you have read the rules, put a heart somewhere in you post. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
  5. Marshall Lee

    Adventure Time [Inactive]

    Name: Andrea the Ragdoll Age: 995 (looks 17- 19) Appearance: Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual Personality: Quite cheerful, sweet, loving and a crybaby over simple things and of course emotionally too, but that can be avoided by being a joker. Pretty talkative and friendly...
  6. Marshall Lee

    Adventure Time [Inactive]

    It'll be up in a few minutes. I'm just finishing up my last two characters.
  7. Marshall Lee

    Adventure Time [Inactive]

    Oh my gosh! So many people! I'm so happy! Everyone's Accepted. I gonna make a couple new characters myself.
  8. Marshall Lee

    Adventure Time [Inactive]

    You can have as many characters as you want.
  9. Marshall Lee

    Adventure Time [Inactive]

    Omg!! I didn't even realized that more people posted! Everyone's accepted!
  10. Marshall Lee

    Adventure Time [Inactive]

    @Neon Nyan accepted.
  11. Marshall Lee

    Adventure Time [Inactive]

    @White Wolf accepted and @Junchi your character Heaven is almost exactly like me!!!
  12. Marshall Lee

    Adventure Time [Inactive]

    @Skev Keensorth accepted.
  13. Marshall Lee

    Adventure Time [Inactive]

    @Izaki Nakajima accepted!
  14. Marshall Lee

    Adventure Time [Inactive]

    @Junchi & @Kagemaster accepted!
  15. Marshall Lee

    Adventure Time [Inactive]

    Marshall Lee♥ submitted a new role play: Adventure Time - adventure time rp, original and cannon characters Read more about this role play...
  16. Marshall Lee

    I'm making an adventure time rp.. you can join if you want.

    I'm making an adventure time rp.. you can join if you want.
  17. Marshall Lee

    Okay. ^^

    Okay. ^^
  18. Marshall Lee

    My friends told me about it.

    My friends told me about it.
  19. Marshall Lee

    Thanks Twilight.

    Thanks Twilight.