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  1. Kild Kannuk

    Fantasy Dragon's Wrath

    (Sorry sorry!! Work plus school has been a pain!! And @SirJonithus it's fine :), as I just mentioned, RL is kicking me in the butt too so don't worry about it!! Just jump back in when you feel it best!) The mage looked up "Oh, has young master Akian sent you? Well to answer your question, not...
  2. Kild Kannuk

    Fantasy Dragon's Wrath

    The mage laid out the scroll and gently took Judea's broken arm "Yes, he'll be fine. The break isn't major so I'll be able to fix it quite quickly." he said digging through the items in the very back, returning with a cloth @SirJonithus  @Judeauofaltrades
  3. Kild Kannuk

    Fantasy Dragon's Wrath

    The mage went through his scrolls while he answered Jonithus "I don't know much, but I'm willing to tell you what I do know." he said returning to Judeau  @SirJonithus  @Judeauofaltrades
  4. Kild Kannuk

    Fantasy Dragon's Wrath

    //Sorry for that late reply guys DX The blue eyed mage studied the broken arm for some time before nodding. "Yes. Its just a minor break." he then turned his attention to Jonithus. "And what can I help you with sir?" @SirJonithus  @Judeauofaltrades
  5. Kild Kannuk

    Fantasy Dragon's Wrath

    The mage near the back of the building coughed to grab the attention of both men "Um..perhaps I can be of some use..." @SirJonithus @Judeauofaltrades
  6. Kild Kannuk

    Fantasy Dragon's Wrath

    Akian pushed open the door to the blacksmith "The wizard is in the back, tell him the dragonborn sent you when you get back there. I have to get back to the the bakery, I'm supposed to be helping." @Judeauofaltrades @SirJonithus
  7. Kild Kannuk

    Futuristic (ALWAYS ACCEPTING!!!) Lost In Time

    Still open??
  8. Kild Kannuk

    Fantasy MvT: Magic vs Technology

    //I was waiting on someone to respond but I never got the notification... ( O.o )
  9. Kild Kannuk

    Fantasy Dragon's Wrath

    Akian smiled at the other male "Nice to meet you too." @Judeauofaltrades The man shook his hand "No, 5 or 6 years at the most. My father had run this bakery since around the time this place was proclaimed a town" He added @SirJonithus
  10. Kild Kannuk

    Fantasy Dragon's Wrath

    "My name is Akian." the younger male replied
  11. Kild Kannuk

    Um, the link doesn't work

    Um, the link doesn't work
  12. Kild Kannuk

    Sure :)

    Sure :)
  13. Kild Kannuk

    Fantasy Dragon's Wrath

    Akian grabbed his good arm and lead him to the blacksmith to get his sword fixed
  14. Kild Kannuk

    Fantasy Dragon's Wrath

    Akian made a small face "Well, I know where you can get your sword fixed, maybe the wizard could help with your arm." the young boy spoke
  15. Kild Kannuk

    Fantasy Dragon's Wrath

    Yeah, that's fine
  16. Kild Kannuk

    Fantasy Dragon's Wrath

    Akian stepped out, walking up to the male "What seems to be the problem sir?"
  17. Kild Kannuk

    Fantasy Rift...

    do I just jump in now?
  18. Kild Kannuk

    Fantasy Dragon's Wrath

    Akian heard someone shouting and left the kitchen, poking his head out of the bakery to see what the problem was
  19. Kild Kannuk

    Fantasy Dragon's Wrath

    Akian had started making a cake while the two men talked
  20. Kild Kannuk

    Fantasy Dragon's Wrath

    okay (o'v'o)