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  1. twiisted

    For You, Always

    It was silly, really, all of the trouble that her family and the members of the castle put into these balls. They were quite enjoyable, she had to admit, but at times the fuss and protocol were tiring. Perhaps it was her free spirit and inclination to do as she pleased that caused her irritation...
  2. twiisted

    New & Searching

    I definitely am! Can you message me?
  3. twiisted

    New & Searching

    Alright! At the moment I'm sort of craving a modern based or sci fi ish roleplay as a lot of the ones I am engaged in are historical settings. As far as specifics, I'm not really sure on particulars, but I'd love to hear your ideas. c:
  4. twiisted

    New & Searching

    Great! Are you able to message me?
  5. twiisted

    New & Searching

    Sounds great! Anything particular you're interested in?
  6. twiisted

    Plots, Pairings and More!

    Hello! I am new so I cannot message you directly but I am very interesting in the third plot idea concerning the pirate and the towns woman. Let me know now if you are still interested in doing that! Thank you
  7. twiisted

    Long-Term Partner Search [ Always Open ]

    Hello! I'm really interested in the princess x knight pairing. I'm new here so I cannot message you myself. Let me know if you're still interesting in doing that pairing! Thank you
  8. twiisted

    New & Searching

    Hello! I am new to this website so I thought I'd put myself out there and make a thread searching for one on one roleplay partners. I'm an experienced role player, as I have been roleplaying for quite some time. I really enjoy writing and developing stories and characters. This post is...