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  1. zasasi

    Forest Jewel (Oda & Zasa)

  2. zasasi

    Forest Jewel (Oda & Zasa)

    "Well i hope you can keep up" Altair said while firing off 8 more arrows into the oncoming creatures. He uttered a spell under his breath and shot an arrow into the eye of an oncoming Orc and head explodes killing the surrounding beasts.
  3. zasasi

    Forest Jewel (Oda & Zasa)

    "bet i can kill more of them than you" Altair said with a grin as he pulled out his bow and shot 8 arrows off. "it starts now and im already up 8" he said with a grin.
  4. zasasi

    Forest Jewel (Oda & Zasa)

    After Elu hit the ground and started fighting the enemies Altair released the wing magic i was using to fly. As Altair was falling to the ground he drew his sword and planed on using it to brake his fall. Altair managed to place himself over top an Ork and plunged his sword through his skull...
  5. zasasi

    Forest Jewel (Oda & Zasa)

    As we neared the the exit of the forest Altair gained speed and altitude. "i hope your ready cause im bout to drop you from a height. and i hope you can see how many enemies there are." Altair and Elu came blasting out of the forest path and blew through the line of people there just to knock...
  6. zasasi

    Forest Jewel (Oda & Zasa)

    "How good are you at landing." Altair asked with a serouse face. "I want you to draw your weapon and get ready to fight because im gonna drop you and join in the fightin a moment after i see how many enemys we have to hack through. Trust me you will be ok." Altair said looking deep into her...
  7. zasasi

    Forest Jewel (Oda & Zasa)

    Altair picked Elu up and started flying as fast as he could down the trail and away from danger for her safty and his.
  8. zasasi

    Forest Jewel (Oda & Zasa)

    "its ok Elu. I was only able to master the wing magic before my master died. Maybe we can find a new tutor and and complete our training in the magical arts." Altair said with a reassuring voice. "come hop on my back we can get out of here faster if i fly us out and deal with whats ahead...
  9. zasasi

    Forest Jewel (Oda & Zasa)

    "Alright. Here we go." Altair said as a large black sphere formed on his back. "all elves have the ability to use magic but some have the ability to shapeshift." The black sphere started to collapses in on itself but only to form large angle like wings on Altairs back. "No need to walk out of...
  10. zasasi

    Forest Jewel (Oda & Zasa)

    Altair cursed under his breath and he was helped up. "you know what im getting tired of falling on my face all the damn time. Wanna see what i have slightly mastered on my travels?" Altair asked with a grin as he took a few steps back for room. "you might wanna take a few steps back but keep a...
  11. zasasi

    Forest Jewel (Oda & Zasa)

    "You mean to tell met that this path is enchanted to make you almost invisible to attackers?" Altair ask as he was pulled along to the path. "what happens if you try and attack someone on this path? Better yet don't answer till we get out of the forest. by the why how far dose this path go."...
  12. zasasi

    The Dark Tower [Inactive]

    "Sirena. Stand we have successed in what we have set ou to do. Yes you may have been late to the party, but in the end we won and killed most of teh Forces new recrutes." Altair said as he pulled the torn from his arm. "I dont know about you two but i could usesome medical attention." Altair...
  13. zasasi

    Forest Jewel (Oda & Zasa)

    Altair grunted in agreement while hacking a man inhalf with one swift movement. "I think we would be safe following the path but not in the open but that is your call. You know this forest better than i do so im following you." He said while tradeing blows with an beast-man.
  14. zasasi

    Forest Jewel (Oda & Zasa)

    "This is true. But I wasnt especting her." Altair esclamed while doging arrows. "You know what, we dont have time to argue right now. We have a bigger problem at hand. How are we gonna get out of here alive?" Altair pulled a kitana from his back and readied himself for the oncomming attack...
  15. zasasi

    Forest Jewel (Oda & Zasa)

    "Are you sure you are ready for the outside world?" Altair asked as he was being draged along. Knowing full well that nether of them wanted to be part of the battle that was about to take place. "Dosnt matter know cause we are allmos.......Duck now!" Altair yelled as an arrow wipped past his...
  16. zasasi

    Forest Jewel (Oda & Zasa)

    Laughing as the stone hit him in the chest he said, "Thats what i thought. I seen the sorrow in your eyes and felt the despair in you actions. You are not happy here." He perked up from hearing the fain sound of a battle horn. "Looks like you have one of 2 choices Elu. You could go and defend...
  17. zasasi

    Forest Jewel (Oda & Zasa)

    "thank you Elu." he said as he timidly took the food and book. "Before you go I have a question for you." He said in a serious manor. "How much do you love your clan/home? Are you truly happy with your life?" He turned around and started walking the other way while slowly eating the food he was...
  18. zasasi

    Forest Jewel (Oda & Zasa)

    "Please don't shoot me fair wood elf. I come in peace and in search of food" Altar said admiring Flickers beauty. "What is your name so i can thank you properly. My name is Altair and i am a night elf from the south." He stood up and brushed the dust off himself and wiped the blood off his face...
  19. zasasi

    Forest Jewel (Oda & Zasa)

    Altair was walking along the northern part of an unknown forest. He heard the rumors that a small clan of wood elves live in the forest but he didn't believe the rumors. Altar was consider a young elf among his clan but he dose not know how old he is. He lost his mother to a clan battle in the...
  20. zasasi

    The Dark Tower [Inactive]

    Altar laughed at the attempt that Keslie had at killing him. "Sirena!" He yelled to get her attention as he summoned forth a sphere of water and shoved her in. "You think this rose prison will hold me! Get ready for the heat!" Altair bellowed as he prepared to release a a fire dome from...